A Broken Vow and A New Home

Self Betrayal

Markierra Baker
Group 1 Publication


Waking up from what felt like the worst dream ever, Susan thought back on everything that had just occurred and figured out that this false feeling had become reality and everything around her had changed. The simple life she once lived would never be the same from that day forward.

All the flashbacks came rushing through Susan’s mind. “This can’t be real.” She kept thinking to herself. But the more she saw these images in her head, the more realistic it all became. Susan Caughmin killed her own best friend to save herself during the apocalypse. The thought of this ate her up inside. Since a child Susan vowed to never kill anyone no matter the circumstance. As she paced around the house, she could only think of what everyone would think of her if they ever found out. She went from being an innocent college student to a murder in minutes. This thought lingered on in her mind for the remainder of the night. Susan went from crying hysterically, to lying in a corner balled up, to laughing in order to cope with all the emotions going on inside of her. As she sat alone staring out of the window, a thought suddenly popped into her mind. She could move away and pretend nothing ever happened. That was it! Susan immediately began frantically grabbing clothes and other belongings, threw them in a duffle bag, and rushed to her car. As she drove down the street, she began convincing herself this was a vacation. Her escape from school just for the time being.

As she made it to the airport, Susan asked to book the first flight to the Africa. Hours later her boarding number was called. When she sat in her window seat, she opened the window to take the last few glances of her old home before she got ready to head to what would have to be her new home, the Sahara Desert. “No one will ever find me here” she kept telling herself as the plane began to take flight. Her problems seemed to be vanishing the higher the plane got, and she finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.

“Ladies and gentleman remain seated and buckled in as the plane begins to land” As she heard these words over the intercom she opened her eyes and looked out the window to find the beautiful continent of Africa just a few feet below. A huge smile spread across her face. Her new life was about to begin. As she waited in baggage claim for the remainder of her luggage she thought of what she’d change her name to. She decided upon the name Bea which means voyager. She was ready to continue her voyage on to the Sahara Desert.

Susan never went back to her hometown of Gainesville again. As she began her new life, she started to believe her own lies. By forgetting the betrayal of her vow to never kill and forgetting the betrayal of her own friend, Susan began the betrayal of her own mind. To her, nothing that happened the night of the apocalypse ever really happened. As months passed by, Susan found other desert dwellers to befriend. As she left her past life where it was, she found happiness with her new life. Teaching herself to forget about all of the events that took place during the apocalypse. If there ever was an apocalypse…

