Eco-Dating in Singapore: Is it possible?

Jennifer Venkat
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2018

Can eco-dating become the new couples yoga? We interviewed a millennial expat based in Singapore about his views on eco-friendly dating to find out if it is possible for dating to be an eco-friendly activity!

“couple standing on mountain” by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

According to a survey carried out by Zoosk (an online dating site cum app) on 5100 of its members, 78% of participants said they were looking to date someone who cares about the environment with 33% saying that eco-friendly traits in a potential dating partner was essential to them (Bowman, 2018). How vital is ecofriendliness to singles in Singapore? To find out, we spoke to *Tom, 27, a British Expat working as a Team Lead at a prominent banking firm here in Singapore:

Hi *Tom, thanks for this interview.

It’s my pleasure.

So *Tom, tell us. What does eco-friendly dating mean to you?

Eco-friendly dating isn’t a concept that is prevalent in the realm of trying to find love. Naturally, we now text instead of sending love letters, so I hope some trees are being saved! Coming from the UK, where environmental concerns are more at the forefront of public debate (see what summer we’ve had!), finding a partner who is also concerned by such things is indeed a consideration. There are plenty of eco-friendly date opportunities in Singapore: MacRitchie reservoir, Gardens by the Bay and Botanical Gardens are fantastic places to spend a bit of time in nature here.

Do you think daters in Singapore are eco-friendly in general? Why so?

Not at all. It doesn’t seem to be a priority for many people I have met here. Dates often involve taking unnecessary taxi journeys (who wants to turn up sweating on their first few dates) and stopping off for a drink usually requires plastic wastage at some point.

That’s true! So in your opinion, how can people go on zero-waste dates here?

As I mentioned earlier, there are a few opportunities not to generate waste when dating. However, persistence when cultivating good habits is key above all. Sure, there are many ways to be more eco-friendly when dating. However, all that good work can easily be undone though by that first romantic getaway to Bali!

How do you feel dating companies could be made eco-friendlier?

Fewer physical billboards — more digital marketing. Partnerships with environmentally friendly establishments (e.g., bars that use reusable straws) offering discounts to individuals who can prove they’re on a first date through the matchmaker. Matching likeminded individuals regarding recycling.

We were left feeling inspired after this interview. Could eco-dating become the next big thing? Perhaps people would go to vegan and zero-waste restaurants instead of regular ones. Hiking in nature and nature photography could be more desirable than going to watch a movie or bowling. Perhaps being more attuned to the needs of nature would help foster a more mindful and stronger connection between lovers and daters here. It is only a matter of time!

*Names have been changed to protect confidentiality.


Bowman, L. (2018, April 20). Caring about the environment makes you more successful on dating apps. Retrieved October 17, 2018, from

*Grouvly provides matchmaking services in Singapore. Our mission is to bring working professionals of all walks of life together in real life, to connect you with fun and interesting people in your city. We’re a one-button solution that gets you talking to awesome people. Sans the online chat or lame public profiles. Together, our team aims to turn dating into an enjoyable experience that expands your social network. One person at a time.



Jennifer Venkat
Writer for

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.