Grouvly Reviews: Esync

Jennifer Venkat
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2018

First Impressions:

eSync’s ‘dates’ page

Our first impressions of Esync is that it places more profound importance on psychology than other apps which seem to give cursory importance to profiling in general. Appearance-wise the app had a beautiful neon, light-blue theme going on. It seems to have a more rudimentary design aesthetic at the moment (but this is typical of apps and companies that are new on the market, so it is not that significant of a detail). We were quite intrigued! So how did this app pan out?


eSync’s profile section
  • Strong emphasis on psychological compatibility: There is a long psychometric test at the beginning that we found to be quite interesting. No other apps we have used so far try to match users on a psychological level. The questions took a wide array of factors into account to deliver more compatible matches as a result.
  • Interpersonal feel in dating process: When we completed our profile on the app, we received a call from an eSync relationship manager who told us more about the app concerning membership packages on offer and how the app works.
  • Strong degree of credibility: The company takes great pains to ensure the people on the app are verified as seen by how they make the extra step by asking for NRIC validation.


Esync’s ‘matches’ page.
  • Psychometric test, in the beginning, is too long: The psychometric test in the initial stages, while useful, was just too long. It took us a whole fifteen minutes to complete! We feel this could potentially deter people from using the app and service.
  • Age range facility is a little faulty: While the app asks to specify your desired age range, it does not reflect in the actual results. Sometimes people outside of your desired age range are shown.
  • You can only go on a date with someone if you pay for a membership: This makes the app quite premium in nature. While this might be alright with more committed dating app users, dating app users who want a more free-and-easy approach may not like this.

Final Verdict:

A different image of Esync’s ‘dates’ page.

While eSync definitely brings something new to the table in the way of more attuned psychometric matching with that heightened interpersonal touch, it functions more as an avenue to acquire clients for their unique matchmaking services. I think the biggest letdown of the app was also its lack of awareness for the end-user concerning patience levels. We do not feel many people would have the patience to sit through such a long psychometric test when they could just switch over to a different dating app.



Jennifer Venkat
Writer for

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.