How to date when living with your parents

Jennifer Venkat
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2018

Dating can get hard when you live with your parents. Here we provide 4 useful tips on how to get around this problem and still get a meaningful dating life out of it!

“man kissing woman on check beside body of water” by Esther Wiegardt on Unsplash

Dating while living with your parents can get tricky. Even more so in Singapore given the more conservative values of parents here. According to a survey conducted by PropertyGuru in 2016, two in three Asian Millennials still live with their parents. This is only slightly higher than their American counterparts (of whom one in three still live with their parents, according to Business Insider). So given this problem, how can one go about having a meaningful and fulfilling dating life despite living with one’s parents? Here’s how:

Keep your home, and dating lives separate.

“woman in front of man holding each hands each other near green trees” by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

You love your parents dearly but let’s be honest. Do you want them meeting every single date of yours? You don’t even know if things are serious with the person you are dating yet so relax on that little.

Introduce your dating partner to your family at some point.

“people raising their drinking glasses” by rawpixel on Unsplash

Get acquainted with their parents too. This is especially crucial if you would like some privacy with your dating partner in a domestic setting. Setting a good impression to his or her parents when you meet them for the first time, i.e. being on time, dressing well, minding your manners, can help you create a good relationship with them and set the tone right if things go well with you and your date.

Don’t spend all your time together in one place.

“man sitting beside woman also sitting outside” by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Let’s face it. Hanging at each other’s houses gets a little boring after a while. So, switch things up and try out other date ideas. Experiment! Maybe have a date at the beach, one time. A session at your favorite watering hole, the next. A more chilled date at your favorite restaurant … you get the gist!

Do make time to go on holidays with your date too, if he or she has a case of wanderlust. You can plan your mini-getaway together to make things more interesting. Apps such as, Trivago, and Airbnb should come in handy!

Communicate about the happenings of your dating life with your parents!

“person holding black rotary telephone” by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

Lay down the boundaries of what you expect your parents to do when your date is around with your parents in a firm yet gentle way. You don’t have to go into too many details if you want. Just make sure you are both on the same page regarding your expectations and understanding of the situation.

In all, your dating journey is yours to control so do not compromise on this freedom. Be sure to have fun as much as possible!

*Grouvly provides matchmaking services in Singapore. Our mission is to bring working professionals of all walks of life together in real life, to connect you with fun and interesting people in your city. We’re a one-button solution that gets you talking to awesome people. Sans the online chat or lame public profiles. Together, our team aims to turn dating into an enjoyable experience that expands your social network. One person at a time.



Jennifer Venkat
Writer for

Content strategist at Obbo Marketplace. Obbo, the acronym for Offline Businesses Backed Online, is a leading digital discovery and marketplace platform in SG.