env0 Announces $3.3M Seed to Bring Control to Infrastructure-as-Code

Omri Green
Grove Ventures
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2020

Yesterday, we were happy to announce Grove Ventures’ Seed investment in env0 (‘env-zero’), the world’s first Infrastructure-as-Code self-service cloud management platform for AWS, Azure and GCP.

Ohad & Omry Co Founders of env0

So why env0?

  • A clear value proposition that solves a new and growing problem. Shifting to microservices and cloud native architectures has made cloud applications much more complicated. The complications have increased developer frustration with DevOps bottlenecks and cloud management that spirals out of control. env0 reduces inefficiency by creating an engine that simplifies IaC governance while increasing accessibility of self-service infrastructure, doing for infrastructure-as-code what GitHub does for Git.
  • Deep Tech innovation. env0 introduces the first self-service Infrastructure-as-Code cloud management platform which works even for environments spread across multiple cloud providers. env0 allows a dynamic management of environments and ensures that systems don’t stay idle or consume lean budgets. It offers a centralized interface for password, key, and token management that reduces the risk of catastrophic user error. Alongside governance and visibility, env0 also allows policy control that governs access to sensitive variables needed for flow execution. Ultimately, env0 empowers teams to easily collaborate when needed and fly forward independently when required: Their patent-pending engine helps managers and developers collaborate on provisioning cloud resources that fit within predetermined budgets, performing cost attribution analysis that keeps projects on track.
  • And as always at Grove Ventures, we were led by our core value of ‘people-first’: With exceptional knowledge, backgrounds, and experience — the team was able to develop many features and build a robust product in a short amount of time. With their vision and skills, we are positive that they will continue to grow exponentially!
Snapshot of env0 user interface (UI)

Grove Ventures co-led this investment with the fantastic boldstart team. We were thrilled to partner with such a dynamic, professional team and work closely with Ed Sim, a true believer in enterprise infrastructure entrepreneurs.

We encourage you all to try it out: https://app.env0.com/

// Omri Green, General Partner, Grove Ventures

