The Fastest PCRE Compatible Regular Expression IP Core on Xilinx® Alveo™ Accelerator Card

Artavazd Khachatryan
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2019



Fast analysis of unstructured textual data, such as system logs, network traffic, social media posts, emails, or news articles, is growing ever more important in technical and business data analytics applications. Nearly 85% of business data is in the form of unstructured textual logs. Rapidly extracting information from these text sources is critical for business decision making. GRegeX is an implementation of standard regular expression algorithm on FPGA chip achieving 12.8 GB/s throughput with a single IP core. Wide range of supported regular expression functions allows developers configure desired rules which can be handled in a chip without reducing the throughput.


The solution consists of two parts: Regular Expression IP core on the FPGA side and the drivers in Host side: The data sources of the solution can be the NIC of the server using Linux Kernel or DPDK library, the network interface available directly on the acceleration card or any application running on the Linux environment for feeding the GRegeX Drivers with the data.

FPGA acceleration architecture


The design occupies about 1/3 of the Xilinx Alveo U200 FPGA card resources making…

