5 Reasons Quality Beats Quantity in Training Content

Lenny DeFranco
Grovo Learning
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2016

In the Internet age, information is limitless. Everything your employees need to know is out there on the World Wide Web. But who has that kind of time? Forcing your employees to CTRL F their way through search results in order to find the answers they need isn’t an efficient use of their workday. Learning can happen on the job, but in order to fit inside of busy schedules, it has to be tailored to your employees by you, the manager. When you curate the training your employees experience, it is:

1.Role-specific: You know your employees better than anyone. You manage their work; you set their goals. Who’s more qualified than you to provide the resources they need to achieve them? When training comes from managers, it’s aligned with the expectations they’ve set for their employees.

2. Tailored to the individual: Every employee is unique. Each has their own ambitions, strengths, and areas they’ll need to improve in order to take the next step in their career. Since no two employees are the same, why should their training be? When learning is specific to each learner, it has a greater impact.

3.Efficient: With quality content, employees spend less time learning more. Giving employees information they can apply right away spares them from spending 20% of their workday searching for answers online, like they currently do. Search engines have everything under the sun, but busy employees don’t want to sift through everything. They want the right thing.

4. Credible: Quality content comes from subject matter experts. Employees can’t rely on the anonymous information they find online. Knowing where content comes from will make you confident your employees are learning and applying the right things.

5. Culturally Aligned: Every employee needs to feel like part of the culture. That means speaking the same language on topics like HR policies, company branding, and your organizational mission. In order to communicate a unified message across the company, training content needs to be consistent. A standardized onboarding experience, for example, is a great way to welcome new people into your culture in an aligning way.

6. In the workflow: When you control your learners’ content, you can ensure they see it in a way that not only meets their needs, but fits their schedule. Employees only have 1% of their workday to spend learning; in order for them to learn on the job, the content needs to be short. That makes it more digestible for learners, which allows them to apply it the moment that they consume it.

Employees have countless distractions clamoring for their attention. You can cut through the noise and make training matter to your people by delivering high quality, trustworthy content tailored specifically to your learners. This is a win win for you and your employees.

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