Maybe we should publish something

Devesh Khanal
Grow and Convert
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2017

We have two clients right now and I think both are getting antsy that we haven’t published a single post yet.

It’s been one full month. I have to send out month two’s invoice. I can understand why they want to have some conversations about our publication schedule for July.

Maybe they are thinking our plan should be “Actually publish something in July.” I agree with them. That would be a good idea.


I’m not that worried.

We should be able to publish 4 pieces for each client in July. Despite me going to Europe for a week (yes!). We’ve done the leg work in June to figure out what “good content” for each company should be (Most companies fuck this up royally, which means it doesn’t matter if you publish 15 posts in one month, when they all suck, you’re back at square one.)

We’ve carefully figured out who in the world we should be writing for, sourced stories, interviewed some heavy hitters including Rand Fishkin of Moz (that was cool), key engineers in companies like and DirecTV, and even done some cool data analysis to build a piece that analyzes freelance developer rates from around the world.

All this is a hell of a lot better than the normal “10 ways to…” or “7 things that…” horseshit that other companies are putting out.

Plus our superpower has yet to be unleashed: content promotion. Once we publish the first piece, we’ll set it loose like my dog Tubbs in front of a bowl of Benji’s left over chicken and rice (which can legit be Benji’s lunch for 2 to 14 days in a row).

So, this client anxiety should drop considerably in the next week when the traffic starts flowing.

As will mine. Cause it’s one thing to sell something. It’s another to sell it and have the customer say “Wow that was worth every penny.”

You can get rich without that “wow” moment, but, in my book, that makes you a charlatan.

We don’t want to be charlatans, we want to build an honest, great business.

So a lot hinges on what happens in July. I think we’ll do well for them, but we could fall flat on our faces and things could get really rocky after that.

Let’s see.



Devesh Khanal
Grow and Convert

Conversion Optimization. Helping businesses get more revenue per visitor, more clicks, more email signups. Writing all about it: