Interdimensional Travel

Arriving and Preparing

Tobias Macha
Grow Every Day
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2020



Every time you wake up, you can be happy for just that reason. I mean come on, you just re-appeared from an other dimension. Consider yourself lucky.

The first thing you do in the morning, is the most important thing. For me it feels like an anchor you throw out in a place, where you want to stay, where you love the atmosphere. Or it’s like using binoculars to see where I want to go.

I wouldn’t consider myself a morning person. What does that mean? Well, I have difficulties with the interdimensional travel you could say. Kind of a jet lag situation from leaving one timzone of a dream world and entering another one.

Maybe there are people, that don’t have those problems in the morning, but I think to an extent, everyone has to adjust to this transition. See, the feeling is one thing, but your action something completely else.

You can expect the feelings in certain situations and deal with them accordingly. For instance, I know that I will feel horrible when waking up and my brain tells me, to press snooze just one more time. But it’s exactly this moment where your habit kicks in and you automatically get up, get dressed, tie your running shoes and go for it.

