How to offer #awesome support on social

By Laura Norman

Grow: For Growing Companies
2 min readMay 29, 2015


Do you need more than one social account?

What’s the best way to train support agents on social?

How do you integrate Facebook with your other channels?

What if someone asks a technical question on Twitter?

How should you handle haters?

Most companies recognize the need to make social a part of their customer service strategy, but they aren’t always sure how to get started or how to make customers happy on social channels. Our new e-book will help you set a social support strategy that really works for your company.

Here are a 6 tips to get you started on a social strategy that serves your customers:

  1. Maintain a consistent look and feel across all your social media accounts. Customers want a seamless experience — and you want them to always identify your brand.
  2. Use your social networks as a way to actually help customers. So, when crafting your tweet, get to the point and ignore formalities. More importantly, respond to every customer tweet — and fast.
  3. Don’t forget your social networks are public. That means don’t get too friendly with customers online — and don’t hide from the haters. Customers need transparency, so answer everyone —both the lovers and the haters. You need the public to know you’re out to solve all problems customers are facing.
  4. Use your social media to guide your product strategy. Sure, social is a way to see what people are doing and thinking. But you should take all that information and try to learn from it: what do customers want from your business? It’s okay to solicit feedback from them, too.
  5. Form a social crisis management plan. Crisis communication shouldn’t be left to your PR team. Customers want help and they want it now. So you should designate a person on your support team to be available 24/7 on social media to field answers and help customers in real time,

Go ahead and download “How to Create a Social Support Strategy” today so you can offer awesome #CustServ on every channel.

