This Week in Small Business: Take Me To Your Leader

Grow: For Growing Companies
3 min readJun 27, 2015


By Kim Honjo

What makes a good leader? Some people say that great leaders are born, and others say that leadership can be learned. This week, we look at stories that include suggestions for becoming a stronger leader. Even if you’ve been running your business for awhile, there’s always opportunity to reassess and improve on what you do. We look at lessons other entrepreneurs wish they had known, the importance of looking at the potential of future employees, and tips to break control freak habits. Read on!

Have you entered our Small Business, Big Impact contest yet? Tell us your story!

  • Are you a first time small business owner? Congratulations on making that leap! You’ll encounter many exciting opportunities and make a few missteps along the way, but it’s all part of what makes the job interesting. Founder and CEO of Groove Alex Turnbull asks 9 successful entrepreneurs what they wish they had done differently. Check out their responses and see if you can learn from their experiences. [via Entrepreneur]
  • When you’re a small business owner, you get used to wearing a lot of hats and putting out fires. But eventually your business will have some success and grow larger. You’re able to hire more smart people who are capable of handling the nitty gritty, but it can be difficult switching gears into a people management, strategic role. Read up on 4 ways you can break control freak habits and get comfortable delegating tasks. [via Entrepreneur]
  • Fortune released their list of 100 Best Workplaces for Millennials in 2015 this week. This article from Inc. discusses how the results seem surprising at first glance, but really make a lot of sense. When you look beyond Millennial stereotypes, these twenty-something employees want what other employees do: respect, fair pay, and being treated like professionals. It’s a good lesson for all business owners on how to satisfy employees of all ages. [via Inc.]
  • Virtual Causeway provides integrated sales and marketing services for the tech industry. We spoke with President Rick Endrulat on the importance of spotting the potential in new hires and how to put together a strong team. Endrulat also shares his technique for prioritizing initiatives, and his advice to other small business owners on keeping an eye on the bigger picture. [via Medium]
  • In last week’s post, we focused on social networking news and how it’s a key component in the customer journey. Our new e-book, The Business Leader’s Guide to Becoming a Social Business would have fit right in. We wrote an e-book specifically for business leaders in any department and discipline who want to get better business results and reach more customers with social media. Click through to read more about what’s in the e-book and how all department leaders can reap the benefits of social. [via Medium]
  • Finally, need some inspiration or a leadership tune up? This article from Entrepreneur lists 12 things you can put into practice immediately to become a better leader. [via Entrepreneur]

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