Our First Soybeans Truck Just Moved

Grow For Me
Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2021


This is so amazing. A year ago we introduced an amazing commodity aggregation and trading technology called the Micro Aggregator Platform (MAP *800*008#) to scale commodity aggregation and trade in Africa. Starting with just $ 18,000 my team started aggregating and trading soybean, closing the season with $350,000. We later included rice, maize, and coffee.

We closed last year’s trade just last week (23rd October 2021) with a total trade value of over $350,000, from a trade capital of $18,000. That means we cycled the funds over 20 times, buying maize and soybeans from farmers across Ghana.

Gushegu has been our first and main source of soybeans in Ghana. It takes a 14-hour drive from Accra to get there. So we’re excited to see the first truck for this year fully loaded. We thank our amazing team and God for making this possible.

Just for your information, we also traded maize sourced from Burkina Faso, Ejura, Wenchi, Sekyere Odumase, and Coffee from Uganda.

What next?

You (Yes, You) can now finance commodity aggregation and trading for a profit share of 2% plus per month. Visit https://www.growforme.com/en/trades/ to start your first trade.

To learn more about the MAP, watch this video:


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Grow For Me

Grow For Me is an agri-tech platform determined to transform Africa's agricultural value chain through crowd-farming.