Excellence in Demand: The Importance of Nonwoven Melt-Blown Material in N95 Mask Manufacturing

J Dana Stahl
Grow Green Together
4 min readApr 15, 2021

At the beginning of 2020, the production of N95 masks in the United States alone was around 45 million units. When COVID-19 hit, manufacturers worked feverishly to meet elevated demand for critical personal protective equipment (PPE), with production estimates at the end of the year nearing 180 million units.

chart of increasing face mask production in 2020–21 due to coronavirus

Mask production rose exponentially to an expected 180 million units by the end of 2020.

It quickly became apparent that the novel coronavirus would only be stopped by a vaccine, and several pharma companies jumped into research and development. Typically, however, it takes years for a successful vaccine to be approved. Prior to the recently-released COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna, the record holder for the fastest vaccine was the Mumps vaccine in 1967, which took 4 years to be developed.

Even with the unprecedented speeds the COVID-19 vaccine has been released, experts expect the disease to take an extended toll.

A busy 2021

“Pandemic fatigue” has become a real thing, and combined with a new year, frustration over continued restrictions, and the beginning of immunization rollouts, individuals and communities everywhere are starting to test the boundaries of current coronavirus precautions. But medical experts caution that the disease isn’t yet eradicated, and that’s why we need to remain vigilant.

Superior components turn into superior products

Not every mask is equal. You’ve read articles and listened to news updates outlining the differences in PPE. But what are the differences in how masks are made? Is it really that big of a deal?

The simple answer is yes. With masks being made out of everything from t-shirts to mesh fabrics, it’s important to know what’s really going to protect you.

It goes without saying that companies that source the highest quality, most durable materials end up delivering the most trustworthy products. Our frontline workers and caregivers need products they can rely on — and they need to know they can source and receive them efficiently. (That’s been increasingly difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic.)

About the materials

There are two critical raw material components needed to manufacture PPE face masks:

  • Spun-bond polypropylene material
  • Melt-blown material

N95 masks & surgical masks

Look for masks that contain activated bamboo charcoal for superior filtration. At Green Resources Consulting, we’ve made the conscious decision to incorporate sustainable bamboo along with layers of melt-blown nonwoven material and layers of spun-bond material in our mask manufacturing process. This combination allows for the ultimate in filtration, protection, fit, comfort, and durability.

Be sure to compare masks that are on the market before you make your decision, especially if you’re purchasing for yourself AND your team. Many manufacturers only offer three layers and don’t incorporate bamboo for additional filtration.

With FIVE layers of protection, N95 masks provide excellent filtration. By building up the mask so that three layers of melt-blown material are situated between an outer and inner layer of spun-bond material, a total of FIVE protective layers deliver incomparable protection. (Compared with standard masks that commonly have only three layers, the GRC N95 mask delivers much more filtration and protection.)

Similarly, the GRC surgical mask is constructed of four pleated layers, using similar processes and the same high-quality materials.

About melt-blown nonwoven material

Melt-blown material is made by layering fibers and then heat bonding them into a weblike fabric that captures particles before they can pass through. Visualize a tightly woven spiderweb. The construction of melt-blown fabric is similar, making is nearly impossible for even the smallest particles to find their way through the maze of bonded fibers.

Also known as melt-blown extrusion, this process produces a nonwoven fabric that serves as a moisture barrier — protecting both patients and caregivers from liquids that may be expelled through coughing, sneezing, or even talking.

Equipped with electrostatic properties, melt-blown material causes electrostatic adsorption, trapping particles instead of allowing them to pass through to the mask wearer.

Adsorption, what’s that?

definition of adsorption

Melt-blown material — used in GRCIT masks — captures up to 95% of particles and pathogens from the air and prevents them from passing through to mask wearers!

About spun-bond material

Spun-bond material has a soft fabric-like feel and is recommended for PPE because of its washability, durability, breathability, and comfort. Intended to serve as a moisture barrier and repel fluids, its hydrophobic characteristics make it ideal for medical settings.

It’s time to talk about all the ways we can deliver sustainable solutions, protect the planet, and still (yup, for real!) provide high-quality products that can be trusted.

Wanna help?

Read more about agroforestry! Or ecotourism! Or pandas! (Because they like bamboo and we like bamboo, so it seems natural.) (Seriously, you guys…go look at the pandas!)

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J Dana Stahl
Grow Green Together

I’m a dreamer who believes there might just be a smidgeon of good left in this world. I believe in being nice, playing fair, and tacos...lots of tacos.