I Eat Shit Everyday.

Not really..and not yet but it’s my goal.

Mary Nhin
Grow Grit Press
2 min readDec 1, 2019


Let me explain. I’m the online brand reputation manager for our companies. Every complaint, nag, and criticism we receive about our companies goes directly to my inbox. I read and see everyone of them. We patiently and kindly answer each one of them.

Are all the complaints fair or based on factual events? Not all the time, but I still unwaveringly smile and kindly reply back. When you’re in the hospitality industry and if you’re good, you take people’s shit. Now don’t get me wrong, there are instances when I don’t take people’s shit. For example, when my values are challenged or someone is harassing my employee. There are some lines you don’t cross.

But in everyday instances, I eat people’s shit. My husband’s, my sons’ shit, and my friends’. And in all honesty, it has increased my empathy for people and my own limited patience.

When I was younger, I used to take pride that I didn’t have to take shit from people. I could say no and stand up for myself at every instance.

I learned over time that not taking people’s shit made me and other people cross. As I’ve matured, Ive learned not to sweat the small stuff. And you know what, it’s all small stuff.

Just ‘eat shit’. Walk away, ignore the negativity, and find the silver lining in everything.

