Sign Up For Our Next Free Online Courses — Sensors and Living Soils

GROW Observatory
GROW Observatory Stories
3 min readMar 13, 2018

We’ve two upcoming MOOCs — massive open online courses — for you to participate in, and we’d love to tell you about them!

The next one we’re running is called Citizen Science: Sensing the World. This starts 26th March runs over 2 weeks, for 3 hours per week. Its about how to improve your soil and monitor the changing climate as a citizen scientist.

Did you know satellites are constantly monitoring soil moisture, even in your garden? Monitoring the moisture in soil can help predict floods, fires and droughts.

On this course, you will learn about the ESA’s Sentinel-1 Missions, and how citizens can validate satellite data locally with sensors.

You’ll discover sensing, and become part of the GROW Citizen Observatory. You will collaborate with other growers and scientists to learn about soil sensors and make sense of the data to improve your growing practice.

Now is the time to make a difference! Join us and become a citizen scientist.

Sign up at the link below

After this, on April 16th, we’re running Citizen Science: Living Soils, Growing Food.

Learn about approaches to food growing that can deal with soil degradation through regenerative practices and help solve environmental issues.

This runs for 3 weeks, 3 hours per week. This MOOC is important because soil loss and degradation are serious issues all over the world.

We need to find effective regenerative practices to solve many local and global environmental challenges.On this course, you’ll discover interesting things about your own soil and become part of the new GROW Citizen Observatory European-wide community.

You’ll explore key approaches to food growing that can help improve soil degradation and regenerate soils and ecosystems.

You’ll identify regenerative practices that you could use in your own growing site, and design a robust research experiment to evaluate them.

You can sign us for Citizen Science: Living Soils, Growing Food here:



GROW Observatory
GROW Observatory Stories

Let’s collaborate to grow great food, improve our soils, and help science with vital environmental monitoring. Get involved!