One Big Mistake I See New Female Trainers Making All of the Time

Grow Your Personal Training Business
2 min readJul 1, 2024

A big mistake that a lot of women trainers make is that starting off, they think they can get by with only training women.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

A big mistake that a lot of women trainers make is that starting off, they think they can get by with only training women.

The reason behind that is they’ve seen that male clients tend to pursue them in a relationship-like fashion. These guys seem to conflate just regular attention with more of like sexual interest or something.

These female trainers might have spouses who aren’t super crazy about them training males. Whatever the case is, these female trainers ultimately decide to only pursue female clients.

A lot of the times that’s a horrible mistake.

A lot of women actually aren’t going to want a female trainer, while a lot of potential male clients are actually going to want a female trainer. A certain percent of women will, but a lot less than what female trainers think, and I know this because I’ve been training for more than 10 years now and everything I’ve seen supports that.

The last thing you want to do starting off as a trainer is to limit yourself.

So take on everybody you can.

