5 Common Mistakes That Salespeople Make (and How To Avoid Them)

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6 min readOct 25, 2022

Salespeople are the lifeblood of any company that relies on customer acquisition, so it’s important to make sure they’re always operating at their peak.

Even the best sales representative can make mistakes. Making a mistake is acceptable as long as we learn from it and don’t do it again. As Jennifer Limin said, “Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”

Here are five of the most common mistakes salespeople make, and how to avoid them.

Mistake 1 — Not knowing the product well

Salespeople should be experts on what they’re selling. It’s a mistake to not know your product inside and out.

42% of sales representatives believe they lack sufficient knowledge prior to a sales call (a survey by Lattice Engine reveals).

If you don’t know your product, you can’t be an effective salesperson. You won’t be able to answer customers’ questions, address their concerns, or sell them the features and benefits of your product.

People buy from salespeople they trust. They want to buy from someone who knows what they’re talking about. They want to feel confident that they’re making a good purchase, and the only way to do that is to be an expert on what you’re selling.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can wing it when it comes to sales.

The solution is simple:

Learn everything you can about your product before you start selling it.

Study the features, the benefits, the competition, and anything else you can find. Then you’ll be ready to sell with confidence and close more deals.

Mistake 2 — Not understanding the customer

When it comes to business, one of the most common mistakes is not taking the time to get to know your customer and understand their needs. This can be a critical error that may lead to missed opportunities and potential problems down the road.

Take the time to get to know them and their needs. Investing the time upfront to really get to know your customer — what they like, what they don’t like, and what their needs are — will pay dividends in the long run. It will help you better serve them and keep them coming back for more.

Make certain you understand the following:

What do you hope to achieve with this call?

What information do I need to get during the call?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of my product?

Who makes the decisions for your prospect?

If you’ve already met, where did you leave off at the last meeting?


Listening to your customers is the key to understanding their needs. Make sure you listen to your customers when they give feedback. They may have suggestions that can improve your business. Ignoring them will only lead to more problems down the road.

It’s also important to keep up with changing customer needs. What they wanted yesterday may not be what they want today. By staying on top of trends, you can ensure that you’re always providing them with what they need.

Mistake 3 — Being too pushy

Salespeople are all too familiar with the delicate balance they must maintain with potential customers. On one hand, they want to be assertive and close the sale. On the other hand, they don’t want to be pushy and turn the customer off. It’s a difficult line to walk, but it’s one that salespeople must master if they want to be successful.

Being too pushy with potential customers can be a major mistake. If a salesperson comes on too strong, the customer will likely feel uncomfortable and may even end up avoiding the product or service altogether.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when trying to avoid being too pushy.

First, it’s important to listen to the customer. If they seem hesitant or uninterested, back off.

It’s also important to give the customer space — don’t crowd them or invade their personal space.

Finally, don’t be too aggressive in your sales pitch. Be polite and respectful, and let the customer make the decision on whether or not to buy your product or service.

Mistake 4 — Lacking passion

When it comes to sales, one of the most important things is that you, the salesperson, are passionate about what you’re selling. If you’re not passionate about your product or service, why should your customer be? It’s a simple question, but one that is often overlooked.

Being passionate about what you’re selling creates a rapport with your potential customers. It shows that you believe in what you’re offering and that you’re excited about it. This passion is contagious and can be the difference between a sale and a lost opportunity.

“It comes down to falling in love with the process. I’m a firm believer that if you think too much about being a top performer you’re going to go into what you do each day thinking that you need that outcome or that you’re lacking something. That energy feeds off into everything you do.”

Anthony Natoli, Account Executive, Outreach

It is better to state that being passionate is not enough on its own. You still need to have the knowledge and skills to back up your claims. But if you can combine those with genuine passion, then you’ll be well on your way to developing strong relationships with your customers — and making more sales.

Mistake 5 — Being too focused on sales

Salespeople are often too focused on making the sale that they end up making common mistakes.

One mistake is talking too much. Salespeople may think that the more they talk, the more likely the prospect is to buy. However, this is not always the case. In fact, sometimes prospects just want to be listened to.

The ideal ratio will depend on your business, but experts agree that 60:40 (60 listening) is a solid general guideline. According to a survey, the best salespeople let prospects talk 57% of the time (on average).

Another mistake related to the topic is being afraid of silence. Salespeople may feel like they need to fill any awkward pauses with chatter, but again, this is not always helpful. If you can learn to listen more and talk less, you may be surprised at how many more sales you make.

If salespeople focus on the sale, they may miss out on important information or opportunities and if they focus on the customer, they will be more likely to make a sale. By doing this, they may build trust with the customer and create a better relationship.


In conclusion, even the most successful salesperson can make mistakes. However, by being aware of the most common mistakes, salespeople can avoid these mistakes. With a little effort and attention, salespeople can improve their skills and techniques, benefiting both themselves and their customers.



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Growth Sales Manager at Mobiroller & Shopiroller