Transforming HR: Insights from Unleash America 2024

Olga Safina
Growe company
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2024

The Imperative of Learning and Development

At the Unleash America 2024 conference, a critical point was emphasized: the Learning and Development (L&D) market is booming, now valued at $300 billion. As Earvin “Magic” Johnson highlighted in his keynote, the mantra for companies today should be “training, training, and more training.” This focus is not just about enhancing skills but about fundamentally gearing businesses for rapid evolution and employee retention.

At Growe, we also place a strong emphasis on training and knowledge sharing. The Management Educational Program “Let’s Grow”, Ambassadorship, webinars, workshops, and public events with experts are crucial components of employee development.

The Central Role of AI in Modern HR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the centerpiece of discussion across the conference, heralding a new era in human resources management. AI’s capabilities are now extending beyond mundane tasks to complex human resource functions such as performance reviews, employee assessment, and onboarding processes.

“AI has been mystified by the media, but we must remember, it is a tool that can either scare you or be tamed by you”, Josh Bersin said.

The potential for AI to unbiasedly identify and foster leadership without the traditional prejudices of human judgment marks a significant leap forward.

“We frequently measure performance by office presence and personal likes, but there is hope that AI will help us correct this, “ noted Nadia Alaee from Deel.

Workplace Dynamics and AI’s Broader Implications

The current generation’s reluctance to wait decades for leadership roles, their readiness to start businesses, or switch companies underscores a crucial shift. They are propelling workplaces to adapt faster, be more flexible, and responsive.

In this context, AI is not just a tool for efficiency but a catalyst for developing human skills and fostering a work environment that values everyone’s contribution equally.

The Challenges of Remote Work and Engagement

Remote work has introduced new challenges in socializing and maintaining team cohesion. HR technology solutions are now focusing on 1-to-1 interactions, maintaining connections, and integrating teams virtually. These solutions aim to replicate the office environment digitally, where social interactions like shared lunches and team outings played a vital role.

At Growe, we rely on this constant, and the role of the business and people partner is one of the key ones. We pay close attention to assessment processes, feedback, and performance reviews.

Navigating the Future

The journey of HR is continuously evolving, described not as a destination but a transformative journey. This journey is about adapting to changes, foreseeing future work environments, and preparing the next generation for an unpredictable job market.

AI, while a powerful tool, needs to be approached as part of a broader strategy tailored to an organization’s unique needs, not as an end in itself.

Leadership in the Age of Disruption

“Leaders today must mobilize teams for results. And they can’t do it without HR.”

Finally, leadership today means being a disruptor rather than being disrupted. Leaders need to ensure they are not just part of the game but are actively shaping the field to pass the ball effectively at the right time to the right people.

“HR provides all the tools, including AI, but ultimately everything settles at the individual level, and here the processes of BP and internal communications come into play.”

By embracing these insights, HR professionals can drive their organizations toward a more adaptive, inclusive, and forward-thinking future.

Additionally, it is fantastic that engaging employees and candidates is a key task for businesses. The quality of their interaction experience with the company is important, and it is precisely this that shapes the employer brand.

The Unleash America 2024 conference emphasized the critical roles of Learning and Development and Artificial Intelligencein shaping modern HR practices. Continuous training, strategic AI integration, and adaptive leadership are essential for enhancing skills, retaining talent, and navigating workplace dynamics. Companies like Growe are leading the way by fostering unbiased, efficient HR environments and preparing for a future where HR is a pivotal strategic element.

