Growers of Wellington. A Central City Urban Food Resilience Project.

Kaingaki Māra o Te Whanganui a Tara.

Beka Whale
Growers of Wellington
3 min readApr 30, 2021


Instagram @growersofwellington

Kia ora koutou! Announcing a new local food resilience project with a focus on celebrating Wellington’s food growers and supporting more people to get growing from work and home.

A community outreach project from Papa Taiao Earthcare, with support from Wellington City Council’s Social and Recreation Fund.

This project is for you!
Tailored for busy people going about their lives in the city, we have the shipping container and gardens at Bond Street in the heart of the city as our event HQ. Nau mai haere mai, everyone is invited!

Everything’s happening in your lunch break.
Come and learn new skills at a workshop, dig in during a working bee You’re invited to join monthly working bees 11am-1pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Here’s a link to the next one, this coming week. Nominate a local grower to celebrate, get some pots for your balcony, ask questions and walk away with veggie seedlings that will grow in Wellington’s climate.

Five things will be happening:

  • Educational Popup Nurseries. Come and ask questions and get some organic seedlings! You don’t have to miss out on growing things if you live super centrally. Vegetable, herb, edible flower and possibly some native plant seedlings will be ready to plant into your pots and plots.
  • Lunchtime Workshops. If you’re hungry for the practical knowledge needed to take food resilience into your own hands, come along to an incredible workshop on your lunch break! From worm farming to potato buckets, microgreens to balcony forests, hot topics will be covered. Come and gather skills from Wellington’s best growers.
  • Demonstration Gardens. The Bond street planter boxes are there for the central city community. You’re invited to join the monthly working bees, or garden in between times too. Come and care for them, meet some other keen beans, learn by doing, get bragging rights, and enjoy a break from the office. We’re open to transforming more spaces too. Want a planter box in your work courtyard? Get in touch.
  • Bicycle Garden. A garden on a bike trailer! This multi-tiered creation will be cruising the streets every week all planted up with veggies, herbs and flowers for people to enjoy, taste, smell and learn from. It will double as a seedling cart you can come and get seedlings from for a koha, and an information station all about what’s happening around the city’s urban farms, community gardens and how you can get amongst it.
  • Celebrating Local Growers. Once a month we will be sharing a short interview with someone from the community who is passionate about growing organic food! Wellington is full of amazing people doing wonderful things like setting up home grown fruit and veggie exchange shelves on their front fences, organising seed swaps, transforming their apartment rooftops, or running compost hubs.. if you know someone to nominate, please lettuce ;) know.


Workshops and Popup Nursery events will be listed on the Facebook page.

Follow along here on our Medium publication channel for more info, and catch what’s happening via the project’s Instagram



Beka Whale
Growers of Wellington

Working on Wellington’s urban food growing movement. Big time advocate for practical therapy, particularly garden therapy.