Don’t JDFI

Andrew Crump
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2016
“JFDI” — Said the motivated person to themselves, just before they wasted a lot of time

“Just fucking do it”, they say.

But, JFDI = do what is in front of you. JDFI = working hard not smart. JDFI = occasionally being right by chance (not design).

Don’t leave things to chance. Don’t JFDI.

Instead, Just fucking set your goals, then ruthlessly prioritize, then have everyone work on those goals with customer development and concierge MVPs etc, then a/b test it, then iterate on it…. then repeat the cycle until you hit your goals


Catchy, I know.



Andrew Crump

Founder, product/growth person, and thinker. Previously EIR @Seedcamp, Grad/mentor @500. Advisor to some.