Don’t wait ’til they’re gone…

We often wait for the end to share what we think of someone, how they’ve impacted us, how we loved them.

David Lozzi
growing a little older
2 min readJun 15, 2018


This might be a dark subject, but 1 out of 1 people die. You will die. I will die. Sadly, we’ve all been to funerals where we hear the great stories of people who lie lifeless, and why the person sharing loves them so.

Did we tell them before they die? Does that person, now gone, know how much they meant to you? Not assuming they know because “you loved them” but did you TELL them? Did you share with them your life, and how they impacted yours?

Think about it. Think of your parents, do they know what you would say at their funeral? You’re their child, of course you love them, but do they know the impact they had, the stories that made you. The juicy stuff you’d share at their funeral, do they know now?

What about your spouse? Does he or she know what you would say to them at their funeral? I know love in a marriage might be self-evident, but in today’s age, marriage is less and less about love and more about me, my convenience. Does your spouse know what you’d say at their funeral? Would you have anything to say? Think about it.

What about your friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.?

If they don’t know, then change that!

Life is Busy, yes with a capital B. I ‘get’ busy: 4 kids, a full time job, serve at my church, have hobbies and side projects. I’m preaching to myself here. Sometimes life only slows when a huge event happens, like someone dying. At these times we remember, reminiscence, we get nostalgic. We are forced to remember because they’re gone.

Amidst the business of life, we have to try to slow down, we have to try to think of the ones we love and tell them!

Take a moment while driving, taking the train, going the bathroom, laying in bed, exercising and think about it. Spending time with them is great, being loving is important, but using our words, expressing in our own way verbally wins the day! Take someone out for coffee, invite them over for dinner, send a random text message, and tell the people in your life how much you value them, appreciate them, and love them.

1 out of 1 people die.



David Lozzi
growing a little older

Christian, blessed husband, dad of 4, avid chef, Star Wars nerd, tech geek, and Senior Delivery Principal at Slalom Boston.