Scavenger Hunt at the New England Aquarium

David Lozzi
growing a little older
1 min readJul 16, 2019


My family loves the New England Aquarium (NEAQ) in Boston. We usually get an annual membership and go several times throughout the year.

On our most recent trip, I wanted to engage NEAQ more, do more while we were there so I did a quick Google for a scavenger hunt at the aquarium. I found a couple of options but they wanted me to sign up, or provide my info, to download it. That wasn’t going to fly, so I went ahead and made my own scavenger hunt game. So now I share it with you! For free, no info needed.

All images are from

You can download this file and print it for yourself:

Word Version (1.7mb)

PDF Version (1.8mb)

Let me know what you think! I’m already thinking of another version, more to come!



David Lozzi
growing a little older

Christian, blessed husband, dad of 4, avid chef, Star Wars nerd, tech geek, and Senior Delivery Principal at Slalom Boston.