Start of something unknown

Ezgi Sabir
Growing by design
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2017


I’m Ezgi — writing from the very north of Sweden, where I am doing my interaction design Master thesis at Umeå Institute of Design.

Back in January, I started working on my thesis topic — Connecting urban children with nature through interaction design. Having grown up in Istanbul, one of the most populated cities in the world, I have so few memories of being out in the wild nature. Camping on the mountains, or spending time by the lake wasn’t something casual to do for me as a kid, back then. Neither it is now, for many kids who are growing up in urban areas, considering half of the world is living in cities, and the number is expected to increase to more than two-thirds within the next 30 years.

Me and my dad, completely clueless, on top of a mountain in Turkey

Moving to northern Sweden, where people are crazy about spending time outdoors, made me notice the “unusual” childhood I’ve had. And it intrigued me, if I can do something about it, through my thesis. After all, interaction design deals with people, products and environments with improving people’s life quality in mind. It can also give me an opportunity to design for a missing link in kids’ life.

Why I want to use Medium

I’ll be using Medium as a way to reflect over important milestones. That means, I won’t be posting on a regular basis like weekly/monthly or for each and every activity I’m doing in my process. I’ll rather be posting in “chunks”, where I can break down the project. I also simply want to get better at writing! For a designer, it doesn’t look like a must-have skill at first, but it does certainly bring value in many ways.

