Third Step: Not Only Yourself

Huiru Chang
Growing-Though-Yourself self-monitor
2 min readMar 5, 2018

Self-monitoring is a process we monitor ourselves and recognize our characters from the learning. However, self-monitoring is not only limited by personnel changes, outside influences are also important to facilitate our improvement

by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash

The Friend is A Mirror

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” — Elbert Hubbard

We all have friends. Friends are the people who do not have blood relations but are close enough to be our family member. We choose people who have the same interest or same mindset with us because the similarity between us make them know our personality and thoughts. In other words, friends are another self that can reflect our behaviors. Therefore, going to the friend to ask their advice can help us better monitor ourselves.

On the other hands, friends are more than a mirror. We choose people as the friends who have the characters that we do not have but we desire to have. The friendship is a process we learns and perfects ourselves mutually. Friends can point our weakness and help us become a better human being.

Go for Advice

Although there are people besides us could help evaluate our behaviors, the advice is not coming towards us without asking for it. Not only friends but also other people, when we going for advice, most people are more than willing to give a hand up. Especially find the people who have expertise in the specific filed. For example, we should ask people who have high self-monitoring ability, like managers, seniors. Their experiences may have similarity with our personal issues. Therefore, the tips and suggestions from them will be very useful.

In a general saying, growing is more about self-improvement. We realize the personal problems and try to find a way to fix them. However, we are in the society and a part of it. Our words, mindsets are influenced and structured by social situations. Internationally, we should listen, think, and reflect constantly to become a better self.

