Selling the Birthright

Jeff Eaton
Growing Up Goddy
Published in
1 min readOct 14, 2016

The Christian Right sold its moral birthright for the pottage of political power, returning for a new bowl each election. The bill is due.

For me the breaking point came when I realized compassion for the poor had been sacrificed for party orthodoxy, empathy mocked, suspect. A new generation of Christians watch the kings of evangelicalism set up idols in the temple, promising rain as the priests are slaughtered. It’s ugly, and blatant, and craven, and sad. I am no longer a Christian, but at its best the faith is a beacon and a haven for the wounded. At its worst it is a cudgel in the hands of the power-hungry, just like any other totalizing belief. “March this way! God says you must.”

Faith, truth, love aside: pragmatic leaders must understand that all followers have their breaking points. Don’t push your flock too far. Every sincere fundamentalist is just one shock, one sobering moment of late-night soul-searching, from deciding it is all a lie. Reeds can bend in the wind, but oaks fall. Remember this when you decide how you will police the borders of your orthodoxy.



Jeff Eaton
Growing Up Goddy

Autodidactic teacher, content strategy ingenue, software architecture ne'er-do-well, and generally opinionated snark.