Speak Life

stay positive 

danielle watkins
Growing Your Faith


“I speak life you’re going to live, I speak life you are the head and not the tail you will prevail, I speak life don’t give up the fight for your life”

There are too many people out here breathing but they are dead. I must explain more by what I mean when I say dead. To simply exist is not actually living your life. People are doing just enough each day to make it to the next day because they do not have a choice, but I am a firm believer that everyone should want to be here each day and make it to see the next one. This thing we call life is a gift not a curse. With this being said I can also relate to the feeling of simply exisiting. Today’s world is a dog eat dog world where everyone gets caught up in the rat race. Human are doing what they have to do for themsleves, therefore forgetting to stop and actaully care about the next person. This is why there is so much depression, aggressoin, anxiety, and stress isssues in society.

It becomes easy to go in a downward spiral when times get tough. I can personally relate to letting things spiral out of control in a negative direction. Life seemed to start falling apart for me when my finances were low and because my finances were low I started to work more. When I was working more I had less time to do the things that I enjoyed doing which caused stress. Being stressed caused me to have agression and I would take my anger out on those that I love. Taking my anger out on my loved ones hurt me more than I think it hurt them because I was dissappointed with myself; and I think it is safe to say that we can be our own worst enemies. Needless to say I just let my life control me instead of me controlling my life.

After I finally was tired of being tired of life I came to a breaking point and had no other choice but to turn to God. The main thing I gained from turning to God was raising my trust levels in him. For me perosnally it “seems” easier to rely on the world (people, work, money, food) for happiness and peace but in reality those things are found in God. He wants nothing more from us other than to trust him. I realized that during my hard times I was failing to trust him with my life. Instead of letting go and letting God have his way in my life, I was trying to fix everything myself. TRUST! all I wanted was some kind of peace in my life. After turning to God and humbling myself, peace is exactly what I got.

I said all of that to say this: In hard times continue to speak life over yourself and your situaiton. You must stay in a positive mindset and trust that God has everything under control as long as you live by his word. God wants to love us and wants to meet our every need, our only job is to allow him to do so. If you want to live a blessed life then you must speak life.



danielle watkins
Growing Your Faith

20 years old studying Elementary Education. Working as a part-time lead teacher and also a full-time Affilate Marketer. Follower of Jesus Christ.