Equal People Design Workshops — Kitchen futures

Sydney Platts
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2023

Monday 30th January 2023— We prioritised the pain points that have been found from previous research, we used red (for urgent), orange (for needed) and green (for needed, but later) and placed dots against.

‘Pain points’ are the barriers that people face in education.

We want to explore these more in further workshops.

Picture of pain points from research — Including housing, support, privacy, food, wellbeing and mental health, accountability, identity, privilege, behaviour, communication and language, behaviour, ethics, mindset and motivation and meaningful education

Tuesday 7th February — When you feed your mind, good mental health follows.

With 1 in 4 Australians are skipping meals and 56% cutting back on essential items, food and nutrition is one of the priority challenges for the future education.

In the UK it’s 1 in 7 people skipping meals to afford the basics things like heating and rent.

1 in 8 adults in the world are obese

Coupled with the fact we are in obesity epidemic — we also care alot about healthy food and nutrition!

So we can start to imagine what future kitchens all around the globe could look like, we wanted to look at the positives of people’s current kitchens so we can come up with ideas for the future.

What we did and learnt

  1. We sketched out what our current kitchens look like and the group discussed the good parts of it. Top discussion points were having freedom and space to create and be yourself, a place where no one stresses you out, and place that is clean!
  2. We then looked at future kitchens, the group came up with lots of great ideas;
  • going to a library of ideas for recipes
  • having space to create makes you feel calm and relaxed so you make better choices
  • sharing meals with community
  • challenging each other on what a healthy plate looks like
  • creating individual taste profiles, so friends can know your preferences.
  • creating easy healthy checklists

We had a great session. We will add the kitchen drawings from Equal People here!

