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Member-only story


Spell To Sweeten

Month Of Poetry — Widdershins


If you be very sick and tired
Of folk who are annoying
A simple spell to spoil their fun
Is what we are employing

For it is not good to hurt or maim
You, will end up in much trouble
So beware, of revenge as cure
Just cause a-little struggle

Using a crimson inked writing tool
Take their name, as you know it
Write neatly on paper, or leaf
Clear you mind and fold it

As you fold, say firmly out loud
‘I ask you, hold your words, refrain
From gossip and spreading lies
Nobody is interested in your tale

The truth will come and you will see
That it is much better, to be nice
Lets hold your tongue a while
You had your fun, now pay a price’

Make ready, your little glass jar
And place your paper, deep down inside
Fill it full of sweet, sweet honey
Add some humility, take away pride



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