Actionable Roadmaps 2025

The first Global Technology Architecture for Your Company to Lead Your Industry and a People-First Digital Earth

Dan Abelow
Growth 2025 Roadmap
4 min readJul 20, 2016


Each week Growth 2025 Roadmap will publish another part of a new economic growth plan for a Digital Earth.

A People-First, Successful Planet

How could people-first technology start Universal Prosperity that includes everyone? How could your company use that to lead a Digital Earth?

We have grown used to seeing winner-take-all tech companies disrupt many industries.

New Expandiverse Technology has been created to disrupt the world, including a Global Technology Roadmap. It delivers new abilities and power to each person, company, society, and the planet. It puts the whole world in one digital room.

New systems and blended screens display the best abilities and tools. Filters and Boundaries put every person in control of their displays, ads and content. Each person can choose and live in the multiple Digital Earths — Shared Life Spaces— they believe are right for them.

Each “Shared Space” has live “always on” connections between people, companies, services, places and resources. The world’s best choices and resources are at everyone’s fingertips. A new universal “Journey to Quality” connects consumers and vendors. Their continuous two-way relationships are a win-win for every person, customer-centered companies and the economy.

New abilities will be visible in everything we do digitally. Barriers will be digitally filtered out. Then humanity can rise, the markets wanted will expand again, and societies will flourish on a Digital Earth that people believe in. It will be a planet where everyone can succeed all the time.

Your company could drive this first. A Digital Earth’s winner-take-all companies will deliver it, be its gatekeepers and earn its embedded transaction revenues. Your returns begin with leading your industry. Then you can scale this to lead the planet to a new stage of personal growth and economic prosperity.

How does this work? Why would your company do this? What kind of world will this be?

This new vision exists because it changes the goal line to people-first technology. It includes a Global Digital Transformation, with Personal Exponential Growth and consumer-led Partnership Capitalism. These are created by new Expandiverse Technology, whose first patent has been cited over 450 times within months after being issued.

Your company’s reward could be winner-take-all global leadership by first leading your Industry, then the World. You achieve that by enabling greatness by every person, consumer, employee, supplier and partner — on a continuously connected Digital Earth.

Our future re-opens when each person can rise to the top in a self-directed “Journey to Quality.” As personal greatness becomes normal markets will grow and your company will start leading a successful planet that delivers a new inflection point: universal prosperity on a self-chosen Digital Earth.

This article was originally published as the introduction to the website, as Actionable Roadmaps 2025.

The Digital Earth 2025 website provides access to 5 Roadmaps, 3 Executive Briefings and a corporate Digital Transformation Guide. It also includes videos and foresights into the future of Business, Technology, World, Health, Education, Living, Entertainment and Opinion.

Dan Abelow’s latest invention, the Expandiverse, is new technology for building a people-first Digital Earth. Its first patent has already been cited over 450 times by subsequent patents. His latest project helps build a Global Digital Transformation by posting Roadmaps and foresights at, with technology and services at Dan is an independent inventor, author, speaker and technology consultant. His previous patents have been licensed by over 500 corporations that include Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung Electronics and others. He holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.



Dan Abelow
Growth 2025 Roadmap

#Inventor of #New Expandiverse #Technology: #Digital #Transformation #Innovation. DM open. #Consultant #Speaker #Author. #Followback