Three Easy Segmentation Strategies for Customer Success Teams

Learn how to efficiently deploy customers across your CS team

Jonathan Hsu
Growth 85


Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

How do you handle a new customer? Naturally, there’s a hand-off from sales to customer success but who on the CS team gets the customer? Is it the sales rep’s favorite CSM? Is it the first/last to respond on Slack? Perhaps it’s the next person in a rotation. If this sounds like you then you suffer from a lack of segmentation — and we’re here to fix it.

Customer Segmentation is nothing more than sorting customers based on a set of characteristics. A segmentation strategy is what allows a company to move from luck-of-the-draw to maximizing efficiency and enhancing the market-fit feedback loop.

Risks of No Segmentation Strategy

Before we dive into my three recommended segmentation strategies, let’s go over the risks of having no segmentation strategy.

  • No expertise development: The goal is to be come a trusted advisor and that means learning their business/field. The development of a CSM is minimized when customers are essentially random.
  • Inability to provide feedback to sales/marketing: A critical function of CS is to provide feedback to sales and marketing — the two other pillars of the Growth…

