Circle of Growth

Removing all roadblocks on the Startup path to growth

Growing + Scaling Startups


Circle of Growth” is a concept launched by Leo Exter and Omar Mohout in Belgium.

Concept behind the Circle of Growth

The concept is pretty simple: bring together 5 technology Startups that are in the same stage of growth, i.e. product/market fit.

Coach them as a group during 90 minutes (!) every month using a disciplined approach with focused, structured, short and intensive sprints.

Not only the two coaches will focus 100% of their attention on the 5 teams; learning, sharing and coaching from the peers are as important if not more important as they all face similar issues.

The challenge: growth

We believe that growth for software en web service companies can be essentially brought back to two basic constraints:
1. Traffic
2. Conversion

Compare it to a retail shop. If not enough people are passing in the street or coming to the shop, the business will not grow.
If not enough customers coming into the shop or buying products/services the business will not grow.

In the online world, the shop window is the Landing Page. This is where conversion is taking place. This where people decide to enter the shop.

Historically the two persons in companies, after the CEO, that have the most power are the VP Sales and the CFO. The first brings in the money while latter keeps the money from going out. Often when a new CEO from within the company is appointed they come from one of these two key positions.

But in the online world, the Landing Page is the new sales man and marketing is simply sales at scale shifting the sales power to the marketing, data and technology area hence the rise of Growth Hacking where these 3 disciplines come together.

Example B2B funnel

So if you want to fix your growth, you need to ensure (1) that relevant visitors come to your Landing Page and (2) that visitors convert into users or customers.

The Circle of Growth in essence will focus on 2 axes: visitors and conversion from a quantitative and qualitative point of view.

A typical funnel is characterized by 3 key-parameters: Volume, Velocity and Conversion. Getting these 3 parameters right will ensure your Return on Investment (RoI), i.e. your funnel is either a cash- or a cost generating machine.

Funnel example based on Visitors volume, Velocity and Conversion in the different stages

The pioneers

5 Belgian Startups with great growth potential are selected to be part of the first Circle of Growth:

  1. BigBoards (#HardTech)
  2. Zerocopy (#AdTech)
  3. listminut (#ConciergeTech)
  4. Mustr (#PRTech)
  5. (#EventTech)
Logo’s of Mustr,, zerocopy, BigBoards & listminut

The 5 Startups and 2 coaches will embark on a journey for growth starting this month.

Keep an eye on this page to learn how we will remove the road blocks to growth and adapt your go-to-market.

Go-to-Market main components for software and web service startups

If you plan to replicate the “Circle of Growth” concept in your own city, contact us to receive a copy of the “Circle of Growth Organizer Manual”.



Growing + Scaling Startups

Growth Engineer - entrepreneur turned mentor - #startup #go-to-market #GrowthHacking #BeTech