Marketing tech problems & ideas

A list of ideas and problems I come across. I’ll continuously update this over time. Feel free to comment to discuss any!

Joe Anderson
Growth Design
2 min readMar 18, 2016


Track funnel drip tool
A tool that tracks people throughout the funnel so you can trigger off drip campaigns tailored to their experience.

Market penetration finder
Spider that crawls twitter and understands what total market size is. Check out who follows who and if they’ve ever tweeted about X type of content. Example — if I’m targeting marketers that talk about marketing automation, this tool would let me know how much of my audience I’ve reached. (Twitter ads might do quite a bit of this)

Simple active user stats
One click auth with intercom to find active users / active user rates. Take the average usage on your product to determine this. This number can then be used as a guiding light on retention as you run experiments.

Simple B2B landing page creator
Super simple B2B landing pages. Integrated with payments, email capture, webinar, etc. Unbounce feels clunky

Kickstarter for features
Landing pages with kickstarter like ability. Could be used to test interest in a product/feature that is not yet built

Modern upload button
Replace the upload button, it’s old and outdated, the cloud holds all our photos and creative commons photos

Image creation tool for teams that care about brand
B2B image creation tool similar to Canva but highly streamlined for content marketing teams. Should have the ability to review images, keeping everything on brand and consistent. It could post to slack for approval and discussion.

On brand checker
On brand last check tool. Asks 3 key questions (that a teammate must check off) before they can put out a piece of content that can impact the brand. It also has the ability to mention or have a designated person for review. Good for things like Tweets, images, content.

CTA Attribution
Super simple attribution tool so you know which CTAs are performing well and why. Helps connect sources of traffic to performance.
Questions I hear:
Is there a report that could show all leads that had “organic” as part of their conversion path?

Medium publication finder
An easy way to find the Medium communities and publications that match your interests

Article recommender
Tool that understands your blog posts and what to recommend that may be similar for the reader to read next. This could help resurface older content since they are still valuable but just don’t get much exposure. It will automatically do this overtime, and be more personalized for each person.
Something like Crawly is a good approach, have the user enter the url to where their list of blog posts are, the crawler takes care of the rest. They get an endpoint that can recommend similar articles.

Every once in awhile I’ll go into these ideas in more detail to help me understand what problems they solve. It will also help me understand which parts of the marketers workflow they improve. Subscribe to get more posts that look into these ideas further.

If you have a marketing tech idea you think I should add, respond and describe it below.



Joe Anderson
Growth Design

Helping the marketing team with design thinking at Realm. Follow me @Anderson760