Growth Hacking Tips In October 2018.

Joe Murfin
Growth Hackers Slack
3 min readOct 15, 2018

This was originally posted here by me:

Lets get serious for a minute about growth hacking in October 2018.

What’s working for you right now?

Here’s whats working for me…..🙋

As more and more Growth Hacks become public… chances are they don’t work as well anymore. Generally a lot of growth hacks cost a little bit of money now. Sorry about that ( know lots of people want FREE options but you really don’t have to spend much to get great results)

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1. Follow liker still works > followliker dot com ( easily made my money back on this several times over, you just have to get your instagram and twitter setting right… yes the website looks budget and scammy but the tool does work)

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2. Clickfunnels. (Wouldn’t be a list of whats working right now without this really, so easy to use, changed lots of peoples business’s… probably the most expensive tip.. but worth it)

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3. Using Odesk/Upwork to get tedious work done. Say you want a website edit, to gather a list of contacts or generally anything thats going to take a long time, you could do it yourself but its so much easier to put a job out on odesk and get it done fast and right. ( this goes for mturk too)

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4. Facebook Messenger bots. ( although the hype has died down about these, they’re still working well. Don’t build a stand alone app anymore… build it into facebook messenger…. or create a contact us using manychat dot com… way cheaper than email contact and open rates and CTR are much higher)

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5. Ubersuggest ( not sure when this was updated but ubersuggest is great now for keywords research and generally researching ideas SEO and PPC)

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6. phantombuster dot com…check it out — Ready-made cloud APIs that boost your marketing. A bit fiddly to get your head around but soon as you get it up and going you realise the power in this platform.

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7. data-miner dot io — Need to get contact email or extract data from google search or any list of websites? this is the thing. 📝📝

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8. kingsumo dot com — Easily run competitions for your company. Just start one today and start getting e hitting thos KPI’s.

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9. Hashtag ladders on instagram. And buying power likes.…/hashtag-ladders-the-secret-to-massive-…

I reach about 230k a week on Instagram on one profile just from hashtag ladders and that tip. (SCREENSHOT ATTACHED)🔥🔥🔥

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10. maildesigner365 dot com for making your email campaigns. Drag and drop and export as HTML. I tend to just upload these to a server and use the URL it creates within mailchimp… but you can just link it to mailchimp too.

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Hope these tips are helpful.

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What are some growth hacks you’re loving right now?

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*****Leave them in a comment below with your tips + commenting will help others find this post and add their tips. also let me know if you want any more info on any of the above.*****


