Growth-hacking Workshop

Dmytro Voloshyn
Growth hacking blog
2 min readApr 7, 2015

There is always hidden value in sharing your knowledge with others. This weekend I had workshop on practical growthhacking with an audience of 30 enterpreneurs and marketers. Here is the presentation of mine:

Practical Workshop on Growth Hacking from Dmytro

During the workshop I tried to go through all the channels applicable to some growth hacking strategies and tactics. My favourites are email-pretargeting or data-driven blogging. I discovered them recently discovered, and we at Preply have big room for improvemnt there.

Also, I got some a lot of thought from the participants I should think more implementing at Prpely. To mention but few:

  • It turned out to be possible to track email openings with Google Analytics, using kind of image beacons. Here is how. It guided me to some other ideas about how this can be used.
  • One participant noticed that we do not upload conversion value to AdWords. We do calculate conversion price but without the exact value how many money we got from it. Actually, we calculate our margin in internal statistics tool, aggregating data from different channels at one place but it can be more comfortable to use native approach for PPC channels once we get to bigger marketing budgets there. I revisited Adwords help page on the topic and discovered that it is not that hard.
  • Finally I got an insight about all of shitty referals in google analytics like:,,,, As I supposed it is new version of refspam technic with affiliate business model.

Moreover, after some talks I was inspired to investigate deeply in task that was delayed monthes ago: revealing ‘not provided’ keywords and I found these two awesome articles:

Here is the popular version from Moz, Github repo in Python and online demo.

Today, was very sunny day and during my city walks even more then ever I recognized that giving something to the other people is one of the nicest things in the world.

Originally published at on April 7, 2015.

