Danny Prol
Growth Hacking en español
3 min readNov 30, 2014


Growth Interview Series: #4

Jean Pierre Rodriguez

“Code happy. Train hard. Repeat”

21 years old, 3rd year student of engineer in University, growth hacker of big enterprises (Gatorade, Toyota, 220V, Miller and more), Ironman triathlete x1, tech lover.

1. Could you tell me a little bit about your background in Growth/Internet Marketing?

I’ve been working on marketing and sales area for the small, medium and big company (http://www.movistar.com.ec/) when i finish highschool on 2010 until november 2012 that i start my preparation for the tech and growth marketing area, i started with small proyects and startups with few users and members, now is different, I’m growing like my projects, now some of the brands that i manage have a little more than 2 million users (imagine all the data)

2. How you got started with Growth?

In January of this year I’ve worked for many brands in the digital area, and question myself: I have many users, how can I move the “LIKE” from a “BUY”, so theres where I find the term “Growth hacker”, first was difficult to me, because there were only English and French sites, (I talk in Spanish).

3. What is a routine/day in the life of Jean Pierre?

Code happy. Train hard. Repeat (see it on Quora)

Wake up for training at 4am max. 6am, take bath, eat, go to office, and theres when “the magic happens”, on night to university, and then I sleep early.

4. Why is growth hacking interesting?

That nothing is predicted, one day you can be happy with your brand selling large quantities, and on the next day the company goes down, so there’s when a growth hacker appears

5. What fundamental technical skills would a Growth Hacker need to posses?

On a level scale of 1 to 5:

  • Programing (3) frontend
  • Marketing (5)
  • Tech (4)
  • Analytics (5)
  • Sales (3)
Jean Pierre loves travel doing Ironman triathlon over the world (x1).
Ecuadorian, living at Silicon Valley-SFO very soon.

6. What are some good interview questions when hiring a growth hacker/internet marketer?

  • For you which is the most important part in growth strategy?
  • Did you do some projects or growth hacks before? let see it…

7. Do you think internet marketer/growth hacker need to know how to code?

read question 5

I think they have in some way to learn code, specifically frontend, because you have to deal with the customer.

8. What are the most productive ways to spend time on the internet?

Read blogs or pages (no more than 10)

9. What advice to you have for someone who wants to build a career in growth?

Create, innovate, do it by yourself, measure all, analytics.

10. What’s the best way to contact you?

Twitter: @pirirg

Facebook: Jean Pierre Rodriguez Guzman

