Growth Interview Series: #5 Ben Lang

Danny Prol
Growth Hacking en español
2 min readDec 1, 2014


“I’m 100% focused on building We’re very early stage so there’s a ton of work!”

Cofounder of Mappedly, a self-service platform for creating crowdsourced, community maps. Previously soldier in IDF, growth hacker at lool ventures and on the marketing team at Wibiya and Kampyle. Created side projects that have been used by millions of people and featured on sites around the world such as ABC, LifeHacker, NYT and more.

1. Could you tell me a little bit about your background in Growth/Internet Marketing?

I’ve worked for a few different startups on “growth / internet marketing”. I also worked for a VC firm where I worked with companies on growth.

2. How you got started with Growth?

I started blogging a long time ago at the same time that I started my first business (selling stuff on eBay.) Blogging was an incredible lesson in internet marketing for someone who knew nothing. I learned about SEO, content marketing, analytics, social media, building traffic.

3. What is a day in the life of Ben Lang ?

Today I’m working on a startup called MapMe (

I’m 100% focused on building it. We’re very early stage so there’s a ton of work!

Goodbye IDF, Hello World September 23, 2014,

4. Why is growth hacking interesting?

I think growth hacking just means being creative. Finding creative ways to attract users, generate buzz, PR, make people love your product. It’s very challenging.

5. What fundamental technical skills would a Growth Hacker need to posses?

Ability to create a basic landing page is very helpful, but you can always just use Wordpress. And an understanding of analytics.

6. What are some good interview questions when hiring a growth hacker/internet marketer?

I love seeing side projects that they built. That shows creativity.

7. Do you think internet marketer/growth hacker need to know how to code?

Not required, but certainly beneficial.

8. What are the most productive ways to spend time on the internet?

Most productive it to shut off internet and work without it. But that’s not easy to do. Internet is very distracting.

9. What advice to you have for someone who wants to build a career in growth?

Build your own stuff, a side project or something that gets traction. And then go work for a startup to learn.

10. What’s the best way to contact you?


Or twitter: @benln

