The Wheel of Fortune, your one-stop-shop for growth

Ollie Graham-Yooll
Growth & Innovation


EmbedA bespoke approach to build growth & innovation capability in your organisation

  • Growth frameworks & process — Designing the right structures to nurture and accelerate innovation
  • Entity design & setup (e.g. Labs) — Incubators, accelerators or innovation labs? Tailoring an industry leading innovation model that works for you
  • Growth advisory & governance –Create the right organisation and responsibility structures and provide support to help you make the right decisions and fast-track innovation
  • Creating the optimal culture — Creating a culture of innovation across the organisation that brings immediate results beyond sticky notes and sharpies
  • Finding the right people — Leverage our extensive network & expertise to connect our clients with exceptional candidates to drive growth from within
  • Alternative funding options — Leveraging VC, incubators and accelerator networks to unlock funding and de-risk ventures

Identify Decisive actions to discover your next breakthrough opportunity

• Growth strategy & planning — With our view of where start-ups & large corporates are moving, we tailor strategies and visions to futureproof businesses and design roadmaps to help them get there

• Consumer insight & co-creation — Deep dive into customer needs and pain points and gather insights beyond research reports through co-creation and user-centred design

• Market discovery & landscaping — Navigating the complexities of ecosystems and value chains to identify ‘white spaces’ where you can play and win

• Ideation & new opportunities — Drawing upon 50+ opportunity identification techniques, we approach each market from multiple perspectives to identify new exciting opportunities

• Tech scouting & due diligence — Leverage our start-up network, commercial expertise and knowledge of the latest technologies and commercial to scout, screen, acquire or partner with the pioneering start-ups in the world

• Concept validation — Validate concepts and test key hypothesis with real users to secure commercial proof points, pivot ventures and de-risk investments

Develop Agile methods to create tangible commercial value

• Rapid proto-typing & MVPs — Technical development through an iterative test and learn process that embeds customer insight and for optimal performance

• Propositions & platforms — Develop disruptive propositions and platforms that plug into unmet customer needs and propel our clients’ entry into new markets for rapid growth

• Technology commercialisation — Turn niche technology breakthroughs into commercial successes by developing propositions, business models, channels and strategies to enter new markets.

• Business model innovation –Leverage the latest best practices and our toolkit of 40+ commercial model facets to create differentiation and drive rapid growth

• Service design & UX — Using Google Venture style design sprints for accelerated learning to translate user insights into user-friendly features

• Partnerships & ecosystems — Develop strategic and channel partnerships to unlock growth into new markets — from partnership strategy development to partnership identification and negotiations.

• Business cases & investment memos — Build robust financial projects grounded in real-world market opportunities and customer validation for existing, emerging and future markets.

Scale — Proven techniques to drive real and rapid growth

• Venture setup, embed & exit — Deep stakeholder engagement and upskilling throughout projects to set you up for success after we leave

• Operational model innovation — Unlocking significant cost savings and improve customer experience through application of new and innovative ways of thinking to existing operations

• Sales enablement & acceleration — Drive rapid customer growth by building sales pipelines and converting them into paying customers

• GTM & indirect channels — Launch propositions through disruptive and unconventional channels to drive disruptive growth

• Route-to-scale strategy — Defining a clear commercial roadmap to scale your business beyond early adopters for accelerated growth

• Performance management — Understanding and measuring success across different stages of innovation to accelerate learning and continued improvements

• Growth hacking — Drive scale and achieve disproportionate ROI with scarce resources through rapid product & marketing experimentation rooted in data-science

