Harsh Sinha — VP Engineering TransferWise

Navigating rapid growth and handling massive scale

Sam Harris
Growth Mindset Podcast
4 min readOct 9, 2017


Growth Mindset PodcastEpisode 04

Harsh Sinha, Vice President of Engineering at TransferWise, one of the fastest growing FinTech business in Europe.

Prior to joining TransferWise, Harsh was Director of Product at PayPal leading product strategy and development of PayPal’s mobile apps and SDKs enabling third parties to build mobile wallet experiences. He also led eBay’s Local initiatives as Director of Engineering where he owned the vision and development of eBay’s Click & Collect platform globally, including launching eBay’s Click & Collect integration with Argos in the UK.

He has a LOT of experience working with products at scale and managing teams through tough challenges and disasters.

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TransferWise is a leading low-cost currency exchange online currency exchange allowing you to easily send money across the globe.

You can sign up here to send your first transaction for free.

Borderless Bank Account

Their new Borderless Bank Account is possibly my favourite product of 2017. You can register your own bank account with a physical address and bank account numbers so you can store legit money, pay people and be paid in several currencies. For anyone that travels frequently, enjoys currency speculation or supplies digital work across borders this is the most amazingly useful thing ever.

You can sign up for an account here

Sam’s Top Tips from the Episode

1. When building a team that scales, so called 10x engineers can be toxic and not worth the risk. Check that someone is a team-player first and has the right alignment with the company, then assess on how good they are.

2. Take risks early in life and try wearing some different hats. See what suits you and commit to big idea’s before life gets in the way.

3. In tech it is inevitable that things will break at some point. Don’t be so sure of yourself that good processes will prevent any failures occurring. Always keep in place good monitoring to ensure you catch it early and can diagnose and roll back or fix the problem quickly.

Favourite Books

The Lean Start Up — Eric Ries

The book that started the whole lean movement. A standard for all cash strapped entrepreneurs. The Lean Startup is about learning what your customers really want. It’s about testing your vision continuously, adapting and adjusting before it’s too late.

Four steps to epiphany — Steve Blank

The Four Steps to the Epiphany launched the Lean Startup approach to new ventures. It was the first book to offer that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and that new ventures are different than existing ones. Startups search for business models while existing companies execute them.

The book offers the practical and proven four-step Customer Development process for search and offers insight into what makes some startups successful and leaves others selling off their furniture.

Start Up owners manual — Steve Blank

It s been called the bible for startups and the best $40 investment a startup can make (on sale at Amazon for far less)! A startup without customers is like a day without oxygen, and the Startup Owner s Manual helps founders get it right and shows you how to get, keep, and grow customers, literally every step of the way.

Bill Bryson

A travel writer who creates ight-hearted yet insightful thought pieces on the world around him. A great read to understand a lot more about different cultures and what is going on across the globe all form teh comfort of your armchair.


Planet Money

An informative and often humorous insight into the world of money and the way economics shapes the world around us.

50 things that changed the modern economy

Short 10 minute episodes on things you might never have thought of but perhaps play a huge role in your life or the modern world. Nice thought bites to listen to on the train to make you a little bit wiser.

Contact Us

We’d love to know what you learned most from the episode and feel free to leave a comment or start a conversation with us on twitter. You can find out more about Sam or Tom and talk about any episode you’ve enjoyed or the future of the podcast.

Harsh and TransferWise:


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