Why a Growth Mindset podcast?

Cristina Crucianu
Your Empowering Career Coach
3 min readApr 2, 2019

by Growth Mindset ON Podcast with Cristina Crucianu

Growth Mindset ON Podcast

The ability to adapt to new situations is a sign of survival as pointed out by Darwin in On the origin of species. Only those butterflies able to adapt to the ever-changing birch trees survived back then. The survivors were capable to breed butterflies with the same genetic trait. Hence, the successful perpetuation of their species.

In a planet, where the population does not cease to grow and where technological advances will substitute any manual labor, only those people who will strive for improvement will be able to overcome difficulties, adapt and become successful. In other words, only the fittest will survive. By “fittest” Darwin meant “better adapted for the immediate, local environment”. In order to become the fittest, YOU must develop an adaptive growth mindset. And, attitude is the key to the survival of the fittest. Having a fixed mindset or a negative attitude to change is synonymous of low performance in a society that does not stop reinventing itself.

According to Angela Lee, resistance and perseverance are needed to succeed. In other words, you need grit. You have to possess grit or develop it, in order to be able to undertake and persevere in your projects despite the difficulties that may arise. According to Lee, the IQ does not help much unless you have an attitude of perseverance or resistance. People with a normal intellectual capacity may be able to become the highest performers due to this personal trait. In a nutshell, a higher IQ is only useful when accompanied by grit.

Grit: The power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Lee; TED TALKS

Lee and Carol Deck from Stanford University talk about how to learn new things and get out of our comfort zone helps create new brain connections and therefore improve our intelligence. This goes in the same line as Steve Job’s phrase “stay hungry, stay foolish” which in other words means, always be willing to learn because you never know enough. Such an attitude together with the personal attitudes and competencies mentioned are a sine qua non condition for facing an uncertain future.

Taking all of these questions into considerations, I have decided that it was about time to have a place where forward thinkers, hustlers and people willing to overcome the fixed mindset. That’s why Growth Mindset On is meant to become the one-stop shop for those people willing to acquire a Growth Mindset by using the actionable tips that founders, changemakers, and hustlers share on the show.

Growth Mindset ON is a podcast meant to bring value to people willing to start a business or any type of venture. I interview founders, coaches, product owners, investors, etc. in order to equip hustlers with specific know-how needed to achieve success.

Are you ready to enhance your growth mindset and learn the basics of starting a business? Then click Subscribe and listen here. Growth Mindset On is on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and your favorite Podcast app.

A huge thank you to Stevan, Eugen Eşanu, Rob Fitzpatrick, Evan Carmichael and Mario Ferrer for sharing their know-how with the community and helping others to attain a Growth Mindset.



Cristina Crucianu
Your Empowering Career Coach

I am here to be the coach & mentor I've never had. Let's help you find you I-shaped in this world and take you beyond your self-imposed limits.