Hila Qu
Growth Trajectory
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2018


Short term win vs. Long term win

1) When you do growth experiments, short term win = better results, long term win= the learning about customer, channel or market that will allow you to come out more experiment ideas

2) When you trouble shoot an issue, short term win = find the cause and fix it, long term win = diagnose what went wrong with the organizational machine that caused the problem to happen

3) When you build a startup or work on a challenging initiative, short term win = you achieved the goal, long term win = you built a dream team that can make anyting happen

To get to long term win: think about how you can consistenly have short term win

Long term win is how you can scale winning



Hila Qu
Growth Trajectory

Head of Growth @GitLab. Book Author. Formerly VP Growth @Acorns. PM Growth @Growthhackers.com