Growth Tribe Academy #3: 8 Startups Take The Stage

David Arnoux
Growth Tribe Academy
4 min readSep 1, 2016

Wondering who the 8 startups are that start our 3-Month Growth Hacking Academy?

No, Yes? Buckle up, then! Cause this 3rd Growth Hacking Academy is ready to kick off with a bang. We have more applicants, more startups and a brand new office.

You’ve already read about our eager participants in our last blog and if you didn’t (not judging) you can still catch up here.

We’ve got eight startups who are hustling to become the biggest player in their field and you may know one or two so get ready for the breakdown.

BUT first…

Let’s talk about little (read: BIG) changes…

Each startup will have an in-house employee that will be joining the Growth Tribe Academy. As we discovered during the 2nd Growth Tribe Academy, this strategy was employed serendipitously (big word ha?) by alumni of vandebron. They effectively implemented tests and measured results, as one of their guys was part of the Growth Tribe Academy. Since we love testing, breaking and fixing… we rolled it up for all startups in this academy. Boom!

After receiving 45 startup applications (45!!!) and a challenging selection process, we’ve arrived at these startups.

Grab your popcorn…

1. Hiiper

Hiiper found a new way for you to do groceries online and save money at the same time. Mainly a price comparison site, Hiiper will ensure you never pay too much for those avocados. Stay tuned as the Growth Tribe team will help them take off upon launch.

2. Randstad Direct

Tired of reading hundreds and hundreds of CVs? Randstad Direct (yes the same Randstad you know) promises you less work. Randstad Direct quickly matches you with 4 to 5 candidates with the help of an algorithm and an experienced recruiter. Talking about love for Machine Learning.

3. Peerby

Do you have stuff you don’t use? Peerby is here to help you be a good neighbor and earn money in the process. In this new era the sharing economy is a thing (hello Airbnb!). So if you ain’t using your lawn mower or chainsaw, give them a second life and be somebody’s hero. Peerby has already launched successfully in the Netherlands and started growing organically in other cities. We are psyched to help them achieve world domination. How cool would that be?

4. Vandebron

For the environmental conscious customer (and people who just want to save money), vandebron is a local and clean energy supplier. You can choose your local supplier and help them further invest in more sustainable energy. How wonderful is THAT?!

5. Reclamefolder

Discount FOMO is real, you guys! Reclamefolder makes people’s life easier by gathering all those discount pamphlets and publishing them on one website for your convenience. You are able to search for your favourite Dutch shop and open a PDF file to find their latest discounts.

6. TheNextCloset

And because selling second-hand clothing never grows old… The Next Closet found an even better strategy. The Next Closet, — simply put -, is an online marketplace for second-hand designer clothes. Yes, ladies, you read right. Chanel bags anyone? If you leave this page to do some shopping we’ll understand…



Are you back? Awesome!

7. OnePlanetCrowd

We need more social businesses in this world and OnePlanetCrowd is one piece of the puzzle. OnePlanetCrowd is Europe’s largest sustainable crowdfunding platform. As a social venture, you can try to find your funding and as an investor, you can search for causes that are near and dear to your heart. Investors practically help the projects go viral by sharing. We are sure our virality tactics will come in handy!

8. Skill Nation

This app game allows you to play with your friends and see who is better in your favourite games. Mind you, Skill Nation is not a Growth Hacking newbie. In fact, during the PokémonGo hype they created the Engineered Marketing tool “Is PokémonGo available yet?”( The website received 750k visitors and 400k sign ups in the first weeks. You guessed right. It went viral.

*Mic drop*

There you go. 8 startups, 8 ideas and one thing in common: the hunger to learn and hack their way into sustainable growth.

Not convinced? Time will tell.

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David Arnoux
Growth Tribe Academy

@darnocks is Head of Growth & Co-founder @growthtribe ( teaching Machine Learning to people who can’t code..on weekends he explores GIFs.