Nobody Cares About Your Marketing Degree

Alexandra Belicova
Growth Tribe Academy
4 min readApr 22, 2016

Web-scraping ring a bell?

Any idea what an actionable Google Analytics setup looks like?

Have you tried implementing Segment?

How many A/B tests have you run in your career?

Can you query a database without relying on a developer?


— — —

Now. We see this developing into two scenarios:

1. You answered all of these without skipping a heartbeat. In this case, we don’t wanna jinx it, but we might have a potential growth hacker on our hands… Stay right there! Don’t move. We’ll send someone to get you.

2. You don’t know what any of those words mean… but guess what? That’s ok too.

Here’s a controversial statement for you: marketing, as we know it, is broken. It needs fixing. No need to beat around the bush.

Whether you’re a fully accomplished, 3-startups-under-your-belt entrepreneur, or a fresh off the boat graduate with a marketing degree, these are some of the skills you absolutely need to have on your resume in 2016.

Statistics, Behavioural Psychology, Programming, Product Design and UX Principles, Analytics, Branding and so much more…

These are the skills that define the marketer of the future.

These are the skills that define a true T-shaped player.

These are the skills that define a growth hacker.

Whether you love or hate the term, it doesn’t matter. The traditional job description of a modern marketer isn’t so traditional anymore. With all the tech and tools popping up, the role of a marketer can be filled by anyone ranging from a product engineer to a business scientist.

But now that the term “growth hacking” is making headlines more and more often, employers recognize the benefit of having a Growth Marketer, aka a “unicorn in the clouds”, on their team.

At this point, the demand for growth hackers surpasses the supply. At a 7 to 1 ratio, to be exact…

So we decided to fix this disappointing talent gap, by building Europe’s first Growth Hacking Academy.

The Growth Tribe Academy is fully dedicated to teaching coders, analysts and yes, people with marketing degrees, the growth hacking mentality and building a one-of-a-kind community.

Look at these happy faces :)

This was the day our 1st academy ended and a new group of Growth rockstars emerged. We promised these students an increased chance of getting hired upon graduating… To prove that, here’s some compelling statistics:

Out of a class of 21:

  • 11 students (6 marketers, 4 developers and 1 data analyst) got hired by high-growth Dutch startups
  • 4 students went back to their previous employers
  • 4 students are currently finalising their studies
  • 2 founded their own startups


Wait till you read what some of our students had to say about their experience at the Growth Tribe Academy.

Whether you’re already a growth hacker or on your way, we applaud you. Knowing what you want and working hard towards achieving it is truly admirable and a story worth sharing.

Care to make your career path the ultimate success story?

Join the Tribe!

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Alexandra Belicova
Growth Tribe Academy

Do you ever think about a witty description for your Medium profile, then have a mental breakdown?