Ferdinand Kjærulff
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2020

As an investment platform in online advertising campaigns, we’re always looking for the most efficient ways to sell over the internet.

In many cases, online marketing before Facebook was Google Ads where you as a company would need to wait for someone to search for your business, product or service. You would then send traffic to a landing page to fill out a form that would lead to a follow-up call. Here is what a typical B2B funnel would look like:


This funnel is extremely inefficient since only 2% of people visiting the website fills out the form, only 20% answers the call and less than 20% actually opens the email. This is a mind-boggling 97% waste of time, effort and money. Who in their right state of mind would ever invest in a campaign like this? This is however what most marketing agencies are still selling to their clients since they’re most likely not taking the financial risk.

The solution is instant, real-time, and conversational marketing campaigns. You need to be able to communicate with customers in your campaign in the exact same way as they communicate with their loved ones. And here is how people communicate today.


People just love communicating with messaging because it’s fast, easy, and actually feels like a conversation. It is completely different from being spammed with ads, emails or cold-calling.

So how do you actually create this kind of campaign? The simple answer is to run Facebook ads to a “human powered” chatbot on messenger or on a landing page.

This gives you an instant, realtime and conversational sales process similar to the experience of walking into a MAC retail store where you can get help instantly to find and buy your next iPhone or computer.

The two funnels below illustrate the difference between the old way of doing marketing compared to the new way of doing conversational marketing:

A human-operated chatbot give visitors a way to instantly start a conversation on messenger or on your website instead of forcing them to fill out forms before they can talk to anyone. This means higher conversion rates, more opportunities, and more personal experience with the customer. You can keep the conversation going and continue moving people through your funnel instead of forcing them to wait for a follow-up email or a follow-up call.

Here is a list of the 10 biggest advantages of the human-powered chatbot compared to a simple landing page with a submission form:

1. Getting Signups: It is easier to get website visitors to sign up for your bot than for them to give you their email. It is simply one click to get the email and another click to get the phone number.

2. Open Rates: Open rates range from 70% to 90% which is 2 to 4x better than email.

3. Click Through Rates: good click-through rates are between 28% to 48% which is miles ahead of the single-digit click through rates on email.

4. Cost Per Lead: More signups, higher open-rates, and higher click-through rates means lower cost/lead and lower customer acquisition costs.

5. User Data: All conversations are are an exchange of information. Bots are an easy and natural way to gather user data and insights.

6. Content Marketing: Bots leverage the power of dynamic content over static content. Chatbots are dynamic and can personalize the content so customer gets exactly what he wants without guessing.

7. Personalization: Chatbots allow us to personalize your communication on a scale to multiple segments and users.

8. Micro Targeting: Once you have even a little data on your users, it is easy to send the right person the right message at the right time. All users data can be used for re-targeting and creating lookalike audiences on Facebook.

9. Automation: The bot can automatically respond when spoken to, gather data, and send users the appropriate messages based on the user’s behavior.

10. Growing user base: Facebook Messenger grew to 1.3 Billion users in a fraction of the time it took Facebook to reach similar user numbers. Simply put, your customers are already on Messenger and will soon be expecting to be able to message your business.

GrowthBond has now been funding more than 500 online marketing campaigns and based on the hard-won lesson learned — we have collected 120 best practice campaign templates for the traditional type of business ranging from everything from real-estate agents, fitness instructors, health clinics, beauty salons, restaurants etc.

When you apply for funding by GrowthBond the online marketing expert will set up and customize a best-practice chatbot from your industry.

You can find all our chatbot templates on the following link:

You can preview and test all the bots before launching. Here is an example of one of the bots for restaurants:

As a part of the funding, you can hire the internet marketing expert to operate the chatbot to ensure it is working to convert visitors into leads and customers.

The expert combined with the chatbot will make conversational marketing work for your business no matter the time of day. You can engage people on your website now when they want to engage with you.

You can watch the following video to get a full overview of the GrowthBond Sales formula to run conversational marketing campaigns:

In the second video you can see how to run ads on Facebook:

In the third video, you can see how we set up a chatbot:

In the final video you can learn how we setup a landing page that can include another chatbot to engage visitors:

Apply on to get funding now!

Or contact one of our highest rated freelancers to get your conversational marketing campaign launched today:

