Monthly Mission: Make More Money

Cedric Bernard
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2018
Niels Steeman — Unsplash

I’ve talked a lot about saving money. But it’s time to flip the script, and figure out how to make money. This next month I’ll be trying to figure out what the most efficient ways to (legally) make money with a challenge. In the next 30 days, (until July 20th), I’ll by trying to make a total of $100 outside of work through various online platforms.

Plan of Action

  1. Use clickworker to make $1.00 every day
  2. Make $5.00 from successful bids/completed tasks on r/slavelabour
  3. Make $30 from freelance work on
  4. Make $35 from online tutoring

I’ll be providing updates on my goals, as well as an analysis with which methods were the easiest/most effective and what pitfalls to avoid in the future.



Cedric Bernard

Personal finance enthusiast dedicated to helping others save. Trying to build my own vision. Student at the University of Michigan.