How-to Bootstrap Your Social Recruiting

Salina Mendoza
Growthhacker Insider
6 min readFeb 13, 2016


  • Google Drive with master folder (social HR) and assorted subfolders
  • One Google Spreadsheet for each position (you can use this for multiple locations in one sheet by just adding a location option)
  • One Powerpoint document (use Google’s version)
  • Chrome browser, add-on, and mobile application
  • Internet
  • Smartphone

Templates/Training Material

  • Prepare all scripts into templates (email, LinkedIn messages, Twitter messages, Instagram messages, simple text)
  • Create personas to target (3–8 dependent on your purpose/market/product)
  • Find a visual to associate these personas (optional)
  • Put personas in a powerpoint (1 slide per persona)
  • Name the powerpoint “Training Manual”
  • Write out your mission and your tagline for your business/product/purpose.
  • Put this on it’s own slide in the powerpoint, should be #3
  • Put each script into it’s own slide
  • Write out your plan on how you are going to execute each script


  1. Search entrepreneurs
  2. Add them on LinkedIn
  3. Follow them on Twitter
  4. Wait for their acceptance
  5. Reach out 5 minutes after acceptance
  6. Build rapport
  7. Find out what they are interested in get the lead
  8. Put into database
  9. Follow up within 48 hours
  10. Schedule follow-up
  11. Mark end result
  • Keep track of all your resources you use in the process on one slide. Make this the last slide.
  • Reorder your powerpoint + create table of contents slide


  1. Logo slide
  2. Table of contents
  3. Mission/tagline4–12 (or fewer)is personas
  4. 12 (or fewer) — last is scripts
  5. Last is resources
  • You can use this to train anyone on quick recruiting or to bring a potential recruiter up to speed.


  1. Download Google Drive (Chrome add-on, use chrome browser, mobile application) This will create a fluid and easy experience that will save you time.
  2. Create a folder and name it “Social HR”
  3. Create a subfolder for each medium you plan to target to keep track of results / don’t forget to include in-person and referral resumes
  4. Create a subfolder within each subfolder for analytics
  5. Create a Google Spreadsheet document See Screening tab for details:
  • Each time you receive a resume or contact information
  • If you receive contact information but no resume, create a reoccurring weekly calendar event to remind to follow-up, 1x per week on different mediums each week.
  • Once you receive the resume, erase the reoccurring calendar event and store in the medium folder that is applicable.
  • Create a new tab by duplicating the “Screen template” tab for your new candidate
  • Input their information
  • Keep track of any updates or notes along the way
  • Keep people moving through the pipeline


  1. Create a Google Spreadsheet for each position you are screening forName them in this way:[Abbreviated role in two letters] Recruiting Process
  2. Create one Google Spreadsheet first to create a quick template Then go to File > make a copy > rename it as mentioned above
  3. The template tabs should be in this order:
  • Process
  • Schedule Email (added for just in case)*
  • 2nd Schedule Email
  • Screen Template
  • Screen: [Their Last Name]

4. Whenever you receive a candidate:

  • Save their resume on Google Drive in the proper folder
  • If it makes it easier for you, you can create subfolders within each role to better manage multiple locations.
  • EX: Los AngelesCreate a reoccurring follow-up event reminder in your calendar with their:name, email, contact number, location, position
  • Go to your applicable Google Spreadsheet and:
  • Click on the right bottom arrow on your Screen template tab and click duplicate
  • Input their information in fields
  • Input any dates of follow-up or interview times

5. Once you have scheduled someone, open up your calendar and send them a calendar invite.

6. Create calendar invite

  • If it is not a video interview, take off the video link.
  • In the notes, add their: Full name, Email, Phone, Attach resume via Google Drive
  • Make sure to share their email on the document by clicking on it to share
  • Change the color of the invite block to green
  • Send it and make sure you are ready 5–10 minutes before the interview.
  • The more prepared you are, the faster and smoother the interview will go.
  • Always mark the progress or any notes during the interview process (as there will be multiple interviews)

7. When you make a hire, change the color of the tab to green and rename it: HIRED: [Last name] Then put notes on the date they were offered, etc

  • “Hide” this sheet using the right down arrow of the tab to clear up space for new candidates in your pipeline.

Screen Template

  • Name
  • Date
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Source
  • Position applied
  • Location
  • OK with relocation?


  • Intro questions


  • Rapport questions


  • Resume questions


  • Experience questions

Culture Fit

  • Culture fit questions


  • Closing statement
  • Open for candidate questions
  • Closing schedule details
  • Closing rejection details


  1. Whenever you are interviewing, it is always suggested to take notes or have takeaways.
  • When you have a process that is defined, you can focus on the real information — them.
  • The questions you ask are important to the direction your call is going to take.
  • Some questions and probably most questions will not be on your template but try to stick within your allotted time frame.
  • No one respects anyone that doesn’t respect their own time.
  • Lead intentionally and set the standard the moment they meet/talk to you.
  1. Utilize your Google Spreadsheet (EX: Screen: Mendoza) to your advantage.
  • Make sure you are paying attention to them most of the time aside from writing notes.
  • If you are more comfortable or prefer to take notes after, that is fine but just make sure you follow through.
  • You may think that you will remember all the details but you will forget, trust me.
  • It’s doing a disservice to you if you fail to set up the candidate for success.
  • Get every detail you can possibly get and dig deep.
  • Use a color code to show a quick view of where they are in the process
  • To change the color code of a tab: go to the right of the tab (down arrow), click the down arrow, click change color
  • At the bottom of each spreadsheet, mark yes or no after you speak to the candidate.
  • If you reject a candidate, make sure to change the color to red and send the reject email then select “hide sheet” on the bottom arrow of the tab.
  • Remember to always save your screen template by duplicating it when you have a new candidate

3. Use a process for following up as each candidate will not always answer or make their scheduled interview.

  • Life happens so plan for it in your process.
  • I use this template:

If you want to download my template, feel free to download it here for free: template.

Hope you benefit from this and follow Growthhacker Insider for more additions to this piece.

Salina Mendoza



Salina Mendoza
Growthhacker Insider

Product Leader and Abstract Geometric Artist. Prev built @wegreenlight, @dreamitalive, @gen_110/@repowertalent brands. Dell Scholar. Obsessed with basketball.