How we redesigned

Salina Mendoza
Growthhacker Insider
4 min readMar 5, 2016

WOW! What an exciting month we had. There are so many things unsaid at this moment in time for us but it’s good things, we promise.

I wanted to reflect upon the redesign and relaunch of





The homepage needed some TLC — desperately.

Here a few things we focused on:

  • There was no real call-to-action (CTA).
  • Too much noise (where the hell do we go?)
  • Um…what IS IT?
  • Terrible branding
  • Design was all over the place
  • Copy needed to be revamped for personality
  • Needs some consistency
  • Needs to have some motion and feeling of life
  • Colors need to be used strategically


Posting page


Posting page

As you can see, we stuck to the “paper” theme but went for a more subtle way to represent through texture.

Here are a few things we focused on:

  • It needs to be easy and fluid
  • Should be fun and engaging, simple clicks
  • It needs to be a better guided process
  • The copy should be rewritten
  • Simplify visuals for minimal/simplistic look
  • Add some motion to bring more energy into the process
  • Add the ability to post privately in segments (check it out yourself, still working out some kinks)
  • Adding context for our process so you know what each stage means (still refining this — in developing stages)
  • Crossing our T’s and dotting our i’s — we gotta make sure you feel comfortable signing up. (So we added extra privacy copy so you know we don’t own anything you post)


Project page


Project page

Doesn’t the open space and lighter texture make you feel instantly calmer in the “After” screenshot?

That was the point.

Here are a few things we focused on here:

  • Energy is quite dark in the “Before” so we needed to “lighten” the mood ;) (pun intended)
  • While we haven’t released it yet, we are working on a few promotions that will replicate our website features. (so you will have to wait on this bullet but pay attention)
  • We changed the “greenlighting” process to make it more engaging, fun, and addictive.
  • We wanted to add motion/animation to add some life to the page. (Think of FOMO — we don’t want you to feel like you are missing out on anything here — more fun you have, less you think about leaving WGL)
  • Giving more opportunity to spend more time hanging out with us (aka providing suggestions on your next “greenlight”)
  • Adding more space to the page
  • Revamped the notifications to replicate future promotions (just you wait ;) )

Motion/Animation Additions

Animation on the (posting) page
New way to “greenlight”
New functionality for “greenlighting”

The B2B and startup space can be dull and seen as “this is too complicated and unattainable, not for me”.

We are on a mission to break down those barriers and welcome consumers into the world of creation.

While not everyone is meant to be a creator, there should be an avenue to practice, educate, and validate yourself on whether or not it is for you.

We are building for you.

Can you help us get there?

Click ^^ to give us feedback (takes less than 2 minutes)

If this was interesting or you want to follow what we are doing with WGL, subscribe to my publication:



Salina Mendoza
Growthhacker Insider

Product @ PAC and Abstract Geometric Artist. Prev built @wegreenlight, @dreamitalive, @gen_110/@repowertalent brands. Dell Scholar. Obsessed with basketball.