Why you probably won’t read this…

Evan B Knox
Growth Resources
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2018

What’s impressive is that your brain is consistently analyzing information through the lens of: “Does it help me survive or thrive?” How do I know that? Can you name how many options/keys you have on your keyboard? Probably not, even though you use it every day. However, you can tell me exactly where the doors and exits are. It might sound kind of barbaric, but be thankful that every time you walk outside, you’re not trying to name every shade of color and where it lands on the color wheel. I’m exhausted just thinking about it. In this short read, I’ll break down surviving vs. thriving and how you can communicate in a way that people will listen.

Maybe you’ve done it or seen someone do it themselves. Their eyes kind of glaze over. You know even though they’re physically with you, they’re not mentally there. Most of the time, this is the human brain conserving calories. Your body is smart and part of its survival is picking and choosing what information to pay attention to. When your brain says, “this doesn’t help me survive or thrive,” it shuts off. So for the potential investors, clients, audience members, etc. to listen, we need to run what we are saying through this lens.

Survive — Is this going to help me stay alive?

Longevity of health

Conserving financial resources

Saving time

Thrive — Is this going to make it easier and more enjoyable to be alive.

Building social networks

Gaining status

The desire for meaning

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-Evan Knox @theknoxes

Originally published at www.knoxmediallc.com.

