Life in the Matrix?

Reality is no computer simulation

Grant Munro
Grant Munro
1 min readJan 15, 2018


A recent study by theoretical physicists from Oxford University in the U.K., published in Scientific Advances, confirms that life and reality aren’t products of a computer simulation.

The researchers, led by Zohar Ringel and Dmitry Kovrizhi, arrived at this startling conclusion by observing a novel link between gravitational anomalies (e.g. warped spacetime) and computational complexity.

Evidence that quantum systems can not be efficiently simulated using classical computation suggests other equally expansive quantum systems like human consciousness will be equally difficult to model.

These findings challenge two of the most popular theories in transhumanism, such as the Simulation Theory, advocated by entrepreneur Elon Musk and Singularity Theory, promoted by futurist Ray Kurzweil.

Challenges to the singularity (ie the moment machines overtake humanity by acquiring consciousness and superintelligence) have huge implications for current transhumanist debates.

To address these computational problems, it’s likely current bio-technical mind models may need to be replaced by socio-technical ones.

