Building a 10X outbound sales engine

Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS
2 min readAug 21, 2021

We were at $XX million ARR. 50% of the pipeline was from Outbound.

How did we get the outbound sales engine right?

Here is a framework

1. It all starts with the right people
Great outbound folks are ones who can understand the industry & company and can spark conversation with solutions

SDRs are not sales reps. They are solution architects.

Where to find these gems? join the event to know more.

2. Get ICP and Personas right
Its no-brainer. But most of us get this wrong.
Starting with wrong ICP/Personas will lead to irrelevant leads

3. Building a comprehensive database
No DB provider has the full database.

Evaluate the platforms based on breadth (number of companies) and depth (number of relevant contacts).

You need to augment vendors with DB ops folks who can build new DB

DB can a moat. How? Let’s discuss this in the event (reserve your seat)

4. Omni-channel Playbook
Cold calling is dead. Long live cold-calling.
Touchbase your prospect base across Email and Linkedin. Call folks whose engagement score is high (opens, invitation accepts).

5. Process and Platform
Incredibly important to run all the campaigns on a single platform
With this, you can have a single view of prospects.

6. Metrics that matter
For Mid-market/Enterprise: An average outbound rep can generate 6 meetings in the US and 10 in India per month
A great outbound rep can do 50% better.

How do make normal SDRs into great SDRs? Let's discuss it in the event

I will share my learning and failures about “Building a 10X outbound sales engine

September 2nd, Thursday, 7 PM IST / 9:30 AM ET.

Registration link —

We are one of the few companies that got outbound right early on
I want to ensure each of one you replicate the same success ✌️

Drop-In. Ask Questions. Let’s learn.



Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS

Founder of Growton. We help SaaS companies reliably grow ARR with Marketing Planning, Account-Based Marketing, Performance Marketing, and Brand Marketing.