Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS
1 min readMay 24, 2022


How can an underdog (startup) crack Top 100 accounts?

Here are my learnings from generating millions of $ of pipeline 👇

Marketing to Fortune 100 companies is insanely hard
They love to use the best software

There is an old saying.
“Nobody wants to get fired by using IBM”

Hence, most folks go with the conventional options
Salesforce for CRM
Marketo for Marketing Automation
so on
and so forth

Engaging and selling to Top accounts
is a long haul game

1: It starts with account identification.
Identify the must-win Top 25 accounts.
Companies that can change the course of your future

2. Map the buyers and make them the celebrities
Interview them
Get a guest blog
Make them the speaker at your event
Call them for a round table
(even though they are using a competitor’s product)

3. Make them a part of a “focused group” where you
curate and spur conversations

4. The critical success factor is
showing your thought leadership
and build deep relationships

5. When they have a requirement
YOU will be in the consideration set

From then
It’s all about how well you sell and
how strong the product is

It’s hard to engage with Top accounts
Its FUN to crack large accounts because its hard :)



Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS

Founder of Growton. We help SaaS companies reliably grow ARR with Marketing Planning, Account-Based Marketing, Performance Marketing, and Brand Marketing.